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Draco Laval

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  1. 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z INFO: LLModelLoader::doLoadModel: Collada Importer Version: 1.4.1 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z INFO: LLModelLoader::doLoadModel: Dae version 1.4.1 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mAnkleLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mAnkleRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mChest" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mCollarLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mCollarRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mElbowLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mElbowRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mEyeLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mEyeRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mFootLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mFootRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mHead" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mHipLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mHipRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mKneeLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mKneeRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mNeck" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mPelvis" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mShoulderLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mShoulderRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mSkull" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mToeLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mToeRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mTorso" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mWristLeft" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z WARNING: LLModelLoader::getChildFromElement: Could not find a child [translate] for the element: "mWristRight" 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z INFO: LLModelLoader::isNodeAJoint: Parsed node has no name 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z INFO: LLModelLoader::isNodeAJoint: Parsed node ID: avatar_rig 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z INFO: LLModelLoader::isNodeAJoint: Parsed node has no name 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z INFO: LLModelLoader::isNodeAJoint: Parsed node ID: ToucanMesh_002 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z INFO: LLModelLoader::isNodeAJoint: Parsed node has no name 2012-03-17T08:30:15Z INFO: LLModelLoader::isNodeAJoint: Parsed node ID: ToucanMesh
  2. Fix my Mesh verification and add a sticky for others
  3. I put fresh credit card info on my account and completed the quiz, but nothing changes on my account. What gives?
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