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Still Winterwolf

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  1. I purchased an item at a store. I added the item to myself. It was a box, so I detached it so I could take it to a rez zone. Where should it show up in my inventory? I cannot find it anyplace and have searched by item name, wearing, etc, so I am wondering where something goes if I detach it. It is not in recent, lost and found, or in the trash. A bit frustrating to buy something and then have it just up and disappear before I even get it unpacked.
  2. Several years ago - maybe up to 8, I saw a video/ machinima that was on YouTube that was created in Second Life. It was given in the SL wiki as an example of what could be done in SL with synchronized dancing. The singer was a woman - don't know the song. The filming was done in several locations with many avatars in sync. Many were in colorful outfits and some were animals as I recall. It was quite well done and was given as a great example of an excellent video. Does anyone recall what this video was and where I might find it now? I would appreciate any assistance. I've scoured the internet for several hours to no avail. Still
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