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Evangeline Miles

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Posts posted by Evangeline Miles

  1. Okay, deeding to the group isn't being given to me as an option. I can "share" but the deed button doesn't become available. I tried with a basic prim I rezzed, and I can deed that. 

    Any ideas why I wouldn't be able to deed an item I own to a group? Is it only possible with items with certain permissions? Transferrable, perhaps? I'll have to see if at least clicking the "share"  button does anything. 

    Edit: Okay, yes the items have to be transfer in order to deed them, which means I'm back to allowing group members to rez. I had the parcel settings set to allow group members to build, but tried turning off those permissions in the group role options. However, despite having them turned off in the group, people in the group could still rez. Looks like my choice is... food and drink and cleaning up the parcel regularly, or a clean, calm venue but no fun. lol 

    I feel like there's so many things which just work against each other in SL, sometimes! 

  2. 1 hour ago, diamond Marchant said:

    Think I got it. If you look at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRezObject you will see this.

    It says the rez will fail if the dispenser object is not set to the correct group. Note that when you are NOT there, the "offline building rights" rules apply.



    Thank you! I'm so relieved to know I'm not absolutely losing it! lol I've been in SL a while, but it's the first time I've encountered this issue and couldn't fathom a function where I'd have to be on the land for a thing to work!

    Previously, I had build on for the group, but the Cafe ended up in the destination guide and had way more traffic than I ever anticipated and people wildly abused the option, so I turned it off when I recently re-opened. I built the place for myself, and was a bit naive about what I'd have to contend with when opening it to the public, which is now why it's set up to encourage group members access only. Although, as noted above, it is possible for non-group members to access with a bit of effort, as I've chosen to pop it up over 300m, to combat mainland lag. 

    I had just set the items to "no group" this morning, hoping that might help. I think the best solution under the circumstances is to just deed the dispensers to the group. Hopefully, the quiet few who stop by every now and again will be able to enjoy the interactive experiences again. 

    I really appreciate the time and help. ♥

  3. I have a small cafe in SL and have always enjoyed stocking it with interactive food and drink items. Recently though, people have been reporting that they can't interact with the items any more.

    I have reset scripts, rezzed new versions, ensured the script menus that give the option are all set to "ALL" for users, and none of the items are deeded to a group. Some have experiences attached - people say they haven't blocked those - and the problem replicates across items from several different creators. The only thing that seems to work, is when I teleport to the cafe, everything starts working again. (I know, it sounds nuts, but we've tested it.) It will make everything dispense for a period of time, and then, eventually, no one can access anything anymore. Aside from feeling like I'm losing my mind, it's incredibly frustrating. 

    Has anyone ever had a similar experience? Or have any idea what the issue could be? I own the parcel, and object entry and scripts are enabled for everyone. Build is not. 

    Thanks in advance for any assistance. 

  4. I was thoroughly tickled to see that Berry used something I made in one of her pictures, and I'm rather pleased, personally, that LL has started to showcase a bit of what's aesthetically -possible- in SL, instead of leaning on the old 2006 look to coax new members into the experience.

    In this image, Berry actually opted to use the "modesty" system layers I included with the outfit, for those people who didn't want their pink bits (or brown bits, or blue bits, or furry bits, or scaley bits.. etc) flashing all over the grid. 

    So I thought I'd pop in to add a note, that while her avatar might be at least 5% covered, she could have dropped it to 2.5%! 

    <3 Evie. xo 

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