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Silverdown Seetan

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Everything posted by Silverdown Seetan

  1. This is exactly why I said the modesty layer wont do anything. If someone with a sick mind thinks sick no change to a TOS for child avatars is going to mend the issue at hand. We will be at it again in a few years for sure, if we survive this one. It in the end might actually make a entire community leave and when they see a revenue hit it will be way to late to reverse it. What they going to do, increase pricing just to offset the loss? That will make more residents leave as well so there is no good ending for this for anyone. What frustrates me is, all this is because of accusations of a blog post upon employee's of Linden Labs which I hope are not true and not even at normal users/residents. If it was they would have just been banned and forgotten like last weeks lottery numbers.
  2. This is exactly how the child avatar community is feeling right now.
  3. Then we all should have modesty layers outside adult regions applied server side.
  4. Ok, so let see hypothecially, what do you think about a modesty later applied server side to all avatar outside a adult region? All the female avatars with there upper body popping out of there shirts instantly had a later applied on General and Mature regions when they just set up there avatar? or around the lower half looking like you just had a bad bikini wax? or male avatars with open shirts looking like that just had a blackouted tattoo? I think that a brillaint solution! No, well im pretty sure that how child avatars are feeling right now.
  5. Modesty layer is a stupid solution, just have a rule on the clothing and make sure they have adequate coverage over the areas they want the modesty later to cover. 90% of child avatar clothing already does this. There is some clothing I do agree are questionable and I never do buy that should be reported if seen. The layer is not going to stop sickos with fantasies like they assume it will.
  6. So, hypothetically all child avatars have modesty layer and never go to Adult regions... what then? Werdo are still going to be around, the only thing that changes kids will now have a layer poking out of their skin looking like a defective dollar store barbie doll because people can't keep their sick fantasies to themselves. What really had changed? All the weird sickos will just stop going to adult places for child avatars and we will once again eventually have another round of this new Child avatar TOS changes to restrict from Moderate regions and all kids must wear a wet suit. Then no child avatars will be allowed, and it returns to an 18+ only platform and Second Life becomes fully adult rated.
  7. So under this logic my current avatar I can add a tail and ears to my tweeneedo child body , call my self a cub and be exempt from the new rules? I feel that would make me more likely to be targeted by a person with a weird mind seeing alot of adults use tails and ears.
  8. Being a child avatar I get the entire Adult rated region thing, like in real life kids cannot go into certain places such as clubs, bars or even religous building such as a temple until there a certain age. The thing that gets me is the modestly layer, it litterally does nothing, now I am reading you can derender others clothing. So how is this the fault of the user playing a child avatar or any avatar. Define child avatar, just say anyone who uses a dedicated child avatar body and/or roleplays as a child regardless of avatar body is considered a child avatar and must not be anatomically correct, have naughty bits or adult designated attachments. My only question is did the idividuals employee's/contactors who caused this entire ripple effect get punished for actions? The fact there had to be an internal investigation just proves there might be some leigitmacy to the of the employees and contactors accusations along with the need to change policy for child avatars. Are they still employeed by Linden Labs? If yes, that is wrong because the child avatar community is in fear of getting banned over a layer that does nothing but yet the employee or contractor of Linden Labs get to prance around Second Life still and get paid to do it after causing all this. Adult or child avatar we pays money to have enjoyment in this platform and if any resident (non-employee or no-contactor of Linden labs) would have done such act that would have had the account or accounts terminated fast.
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