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Ineffable Mote

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Posts posted by Ineffable Mote

  1. On every continent bears used to roam across the terraformed lands like air. Sometimes they even flew too, just not very high - it's not as though the bears could ever reach the moon. Over time the bears gathered to play games and get intoxicated in places like the Falmouth Hotel, as they couldn't keep up with others, or all of the hop shop and dwell. The outside lawns they all filled up with glitches. And the bears on occasion they'll still turn their heads when a wayward human enters a room, whatever they are dressed up as.

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  2. True Fact: Agni, who reigns over Second Life's main grid, is both a god of fire and a protector of humanity. They are also so cursed that they will not only eat anything placed before them, but they swallow all of it. This created such a great madness in the virtual world, that it inspired Magellan to light a match to the great wick in his rocket ship, take flight, and then inevitably crash. There were many discoveries to be made, but ultimately no escape.

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  3. Second Life was originally designed to be taken seriously, but not too seriously. It was written right into the code. Occasionally a rippling of hippos will carry over into the forums. It isn't just gnomes that get stomped. Elsewhere and every so often, cicadas rejoice in abidance with their own respective cycles. Meat world avatars have their own hysterics and deliriums. To redundance.

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  4. There was a time when LL branched out some and attempted other offerings, such as their Patterns game and also Glytch's inworld, Horizons game etc so maybe the end game with this isn't solely Second Life (as a virtual world/open sandbox as we like to know it). If SL is still a big enough cash cow by itself, then they can probably afford to have something else up their sleeve without it being a huge risk. Though they'd still need to invest in some better brains and man hours for it.

    Glancing now, I didn't realize they were using AI for mahjong - https://secondlife.com/destination/mahjong-deluxe but I'm sure things like this could be expanded on, once the mobile foundations are in place.

    (I haven't read through whole thread either, so apologies if this has been brought up already. I can't see myself using it either way.)

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  5. Copyright infringement is copyright infringement. It isn't rocket science, but it's rarely enforced in SL for music especially. Though the dance animations in those are often ripped, those are a bit more likely to get actual rights holder complaints.

  6. 3 hours ago, Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia said:

    I've noticed a trend lately.  Google's AI is telling people to eat rocks, and glue.  It's acting like the weird kid on the playground, daring you to eat worms... which begs the question:  Does google literally want me to eat worms?  Yes!  Yes, they do.

    So if you want to have an AI-proof tech startup, I suggest getting into the business of making a cooking recipe web site, for cooking foods that really real humans eat.

    I came across this the other day too, AI giving garbage medical advice.



    When one takes the human elements out of something, it's dehumanizing. Literally. It should be treated as such. (imo or whatever) People are hugely invested in it though, not just in terms of $$.


    I could point out that Second Life doesn't need more of this sort of stuff either but it's a lost cause, and it didn't come out of a vacuum.

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  7. 21 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

    Depends on what you mean by expand. If we're talking about allowing more content in G rated regions then I think that would be a bad idea. If anything, G land needs more heavily policing since for too long content that shouldn't be allowed there has been allowed to persist. Looser content controls for general regions would effectively mean there is no where in SL where child avatars can safely go. 

    LL's needing to keep everything watered down primarily for corporate behemoths, bankers and app stores; so still functionally child safe (virtual or otherwise). LL don't have the employees needed to manually clean up or forcibly move Moderate mainland parcels to make it app store acceptable, never mind estates. So mobile would get access to G and a new so far hypothetical MO rating with heavily screened and exclusive content.

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  8. If they're offering a rebate, then the review is effectively bought and paid for. Gifting promotional items for this happens, too. Shady reviews are rampant on any platform/marketplace, though, and Second Life has always had caveat emptor as its middle name.

    • Thanks 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Codex Alpha said:

     How many come for the Rainbows, and how many stay away because of the Rainbows?

    How many other target markets are interested in SL, or anything like it, outside of the Pink Pound? I don't see it, and in any case look at how empty Meta and Sansar both were/are, outside of the drummed up hype. The closer to 12-14 year old market for IMVU and Roblox isn't at all viable for Second Life. There are only so many ways to keep the lights on and running, with a 20+ year old and heavily stagnated platform.


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