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camilla Yosuke

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Posts posted by camilla Yosuke

  1. Thank you for the prompt answer ! These are really good news for the coming future, and of great help for now, as I now know that I should focus on 1.72 and not spend time trying to have it working in the current state of 2.0.


    Congratulations anyways on the amazing work done :) The tool is really helpful and friendly.

  2. Hi !


    I did manage to convert manually the Belleza developer kit for Avastar 1.72  following and adapting  the 1.5.9 instructions ( http://blog.machinimatrix.org/avastar/help/update_rig/ )  , but I get less than satisfactory results for the shoulders region, specifically for bra straps, due to the fact that the kit's rest pose is supposed to be in A-pose.

    I work with the arms bent 45° down, transfer weights, then bake to mesh so a T-pose version is generated, as described here : https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Permanently-change-default-pose-in-Blender/td-p/1557227.

    Adding a bit of float and fiddling a bit with weights allows me to upload straps that don't  clip into the body, but they are really not what I would call production level : the shape is quite weird and distorted in most poses.


    So - and this is the main question in this post - I dream of being able to make use of the "Set Bind Pose" in Avastar 2.0.23 so I can really work from the A-pose.

    But then, while everything looks smooth and really cool inside blender, as soon as I upload to SL, my mesh is quite distorted, as if the bones sizes or positions arent't correct in the armature in blender. I have a feeling being able to have the weight transfer from non T-pose  would allow much smoother results for this area. I also dream of being able to use it for the legs/ crotch area, as transfering while the legs are open would largely simplify things...

    I tried  to convert the Belleza armature that is imported with the DAE, in blender 2.78 and avastar 2.2023,  either by :

     * using the automatic convert tool : This gives a bad looking armature in blender with wrong bones positions, and uploads are messed up - either by using collada's option "fix leaf bones" or not

    * doing the job by hand just like I did in 1.72 -  ( delete the old armature, create a new avastar basic empty rig, set its  shape, etc etc ),Now the armature looks good in blender, and the garment seems to behave nicely but the uploaded meshes are wrong , with quite some offsets that make me think the breast / chest / belly bones are wrong inside blender

    * opening my 1.72 version file in 2.0.23 and have Avastar update the rig - Again things look quite good inside blender, but once uploaded I get weird distortions.


    So , my question is : What would be the correct method to convert a foreign kit in Avastar 2.0.23 ?  Specially given the A-pose rest pose. Is there a reason why a mesh created with avastar 1.72 uploads fine, and the same file updated to 2.0.23 uploads wrong ?

    I can't really attach a blend file to a ticket in the blog support tool, as it would be against Belleza terms not to distribute their files, so I am posting the question here , with the hope to find some answers :)


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