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Renara Vandyke

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  1. Thanks for the replies! I'm already using the InSL logo for my SLurl to my in-world store though, they really need to make something for the marketplace! I'll probably just add the word marketplace next one of the variations of the InSL logo perhaps, but it really needs something distinct.
  2. Okay so, I realised it's been a very long time since I updated my web-page for my SL store, and it actually still has an XStreet SL "badge" for linking people to my store (a link which doesn't actually work properly anymore, gets stuck in a loop). Anyway, I've updated the link to go to the SL marketplace as appropriate, however I don't have an image to replace the XStreet SL logo with. I've had a look around the Marketplace website and knowledgebase articles but couldn't find anything that stood out. Is there an official SL Marketplace badge that we can put on websites? If not, what are people using (if anything) instead? I prefer the simplicity of a logo I can stick in a corner of a page, but I'm terrible at making them, so I much prefer having one I can just copy onto my site :)
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