Hello, sorry if i chose the wrong category, but since this problem just occures on this avatar i chose that category. Since sunday night, i get the message "We're having trouble connecting to Your voice server. UDP: 3478, 3479, 5060,5062, 12000-17000. Voice communication will not be available. Please check your network and firewall settings." Well now i tried everything, resetting my modem, restarting my computer, clearing caches, trying different viewers (after a clean reinstall of course), turning off firewall, opening the ports in my router. And nothing works, also i experience heavy lag, now when i log on my alt everything seems to be working fine again, i can use voice and no lag whatsoever. The problem fixed itself Monday morning, but occured again just a couple of minutes ago, and it is really annoying if you depend on voice useage. Could somebody please help me? Finna EDIT: Disabling the firewall or setting ports does not help either, voice connects fine on my Alt just not this avatar, which is my main avatar.