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Caoilte Skytower

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Posts posted by Caoilte Skytower

  1. I made the mistake of putting on an ONDUTY **bleep** and immediately started getting spammed, on channel 2. I removed it, and deleted it and the spam continues unabated. I relogged and it continues, I deleted the SL folder in appdata and it didnt help. I uninstalled and reinstalled SL viewer and it didnt help, It has somehow attached to my avatar. I checked in "worn items" and even searched for it and it doesnt exist in my inventory, I did a character test and it still continues. I was on a sim where I dont have rezz rights and thats where it started. Nothing I do stops it, I checked my avatar over and over and have removed ALL attachments and scripts that I can find, and it continues.



  2. I have noticed a similar issue. If I tp into a region I am banned in with an alt, I can get in without a problem.

    If I try to get in in any alt, again no issue. 

    As soon as I try to get in in the banned avatar, I am told I am banned. so then I try again with the alts and it is no go... I get the message about not being authorized in the region. I have to reboot my comp to get it to clear. But as long as I don;t try to get in in the banned account, I can get in all day in an alt. 

    SO my logical conclusion is that something remembers you tried in a banned avatar and remembers it. It may be an issue with SL and permissions, I don't know.

    I understand that to prevent an IP address from showing you have to disable voice, music and media.

  3. Haha, yes Rolig you have a point.
    Basically because I am a rebel, and the more you tell me you don't want me somewhere, the more I have to be there.... LOL
    Plus it is one of the few places where I have friends I like to hang out with. I never caused any problems, or issues I simply told the owner in IM what I thought of her and I guess she didnt like it.

    Thanks for the response, though. You have answered my question.


  4. My main account has been banned unfairly I believe, although I know a sim owner doesnt have to have a reason to ban someone.

    My issue is that now I can't tp into the sim in any of my alts, even one alt that has never been there and I never told her about is outright banned as well as one other alt, and my main avatar. All the others give me the "access" message, when I try to TP in.

    I suspect the sim owner has some kind of method of IDing people's IP address, or she has been given all this information by someone else, but I have no way to prove it. I have reported the people involved, who and what I suspect. Disclosure of personal data without my consent, and I think I have given enough information for a thorough investigation, and it is my understanding that Linden Labs can prove whether or not such information was passed to her or she obtained it illegally... is this correct?

    Lastly, is it possible that this message is caused by a glitch in SL, or does it sound more like somehow my private information has been compromised?

    At very least I am concerned that she has been given or is able to access personal information, and have reported it.

    Thanks for any help or insight you can give me. 


  5. Haha sorry, yeah I am on a desktop with a new graphics card, and ethernet connection so it's good there. I gave up trying to use wireless on SL long ago. Thank you... I am pretty sure it is an issue on SL's end since I am hearing a lot from others inworld about it, and the problem didn;t start until this morning when the "connectivity issues" were first reported. Thanks so much I saved that link for future reference

  6. Since the connectivity issues today, I can't get my avatar to load or rezz. My contact list has no names, and no one can communicate with me, although I am showing online. 

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice, did a clean re-install every time and STILL am having the same problems. When I am logging in and it gets to the part where it says "requesting region capabilities" it has to make 3 attempts before it connects.

    Please someone help.

    After reading some of the other questions it is obvious it isnt just me. All I can do is wait for SL to get it resolved.


    I have a few alts, and am not experiencing ANY issues in those, only this account.


  7. Since the connectivity issues today, I can't get my avatar to load or rezz. My contact list has no names, and no one can communicate with me, although I am showing online. 

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice, did a clean re-install every time and STILL am having the same problems. When I am logging in and it gets to the part where it says "requesting region capabilities" it has to make 3 attempts before it connects.

    Please someone help.

    After reading some of the other questions it is obvious it isnt just me. All I can do is wait for SL to get it resolved.


    I have a few alts, and am not experiencing ANY issues in those, only this account.


  8. Hi Bella, 

    I wish I could say I had some answers for you, but unfortunately I don't. And I doubt LL has any either.

    My girl is having the same issues, crashing every 10-30 minutes... terrible lag, and inventory not loading, the list goes on and on. Her main problem is an inability to stay in SL for longer than 40 minutes on average.

    And now I hear there are more code changes coming up that will affect everyone.

    I personally don't get it. Why would Linden Labs consistantly make it harder and harder for the average person to get in and stay in SL. It boggles my mind. Maybe they only want wealthy computer geeks who have and can afford all the newest technology at the cost of hundreds and thousands of dollars that MOST people can't afford, I don't know. They are strangely silent on this, and I have asked this question repeatedly. Why make it harder for people to come into and stay in SL, you would think they'd want to make it easier for us, but no.

    The answers I get blame HER ISP, or HER connection, or HER RAM is corrupted, or HER computer isnt up to standards... It's always HER fault and NEVER theirs.... as far as they are concerned, their code is God, and their viewer is Jesus Christ.... infallible and perfect, with everyone else and their computers being the devil.

    I have decided to let go of my SL house and drop my premium account, why should I pay 77.00 US per annum (not including the hundreds of USD that I spend in SL itself on tiers, stream, and purchases) when they don't seem interested in helping anyone but themselves. I don't expect a rational reply from them taking ANY responsibility for the issues we are having, I am sure we will be told its our computer, our connection, etc. etc. they will deflect responsibility back onto us and list about 10 things it COULD be, and none of those things will include their code changes.

    I hope you get your issues worked out, but I am not holding my breath.... Hang onto your virtual hat. more problems for the average user are coming with these new code changes they are instituting, and of course it will always be OUR fault. I fully expect to be called a hater, and nothing could be further from the truth, if it were I wouldn't waste my time and money in SL. I would move to another grid, and there are lots of them. I am simply a frustrated resident of Second Life, here for 4+ years, and learning that we don't matter, only our money does. 



  9. Yeah, I have my ethernet directly into my comp, so wireless isn't an issue. 


    I have been in SL for over 4 years now, most of that time on a laptop. It is only recently, within the last year that I went to a desktop, and I personally don't have a lot of problems now, but like I said it's mainly because I upgraded my graphics card at a cost of 200 USD that I really couldnt afford to spend.... money I probably would have spent in SL over time. 

    But a lot of people really can't afford to be upgrading every time LL decides to change things, honestly. I don't understand why they just can't leave something that works, they would get a lot more people into the site and a lot less complaints. 

    Just seems that they blame everything else but their changes for issues. I can practically trace my issues right down to the very day that the code changes. coincidence? nah I doubt it.


    Thanks for your insight, though.. it does help.



  10. My girl is having major issues, she crashes every 20-30 minutes, her computer has to work hard to run the SL viewer, and it's a new laptop... her computer keeps giving her a "high memory usage" alert before it shuts down, and it identifies SL as the cause. She has 4GB DDR Ram just like me, and can go into any other site but SL without problems. Maybe the fact that she is in the UK on a different server is the issue, I really don't know.. and it's frustrating and very expensive to try and keep up with it. Soon she won't even be able to log-in to SL, and we will move to another grid.

    I upgraded my graphics card to try and solve the lag, crash and log out issues I was having and it worked fine until this last couple of weeks when the new code changes were instituted. Now I am slowly heading back into a degrading Second Life. What a crock.I have spoken to person after person in SL who say the same thing.

    I have 60 MEG high speed cable service, so I know for a fact its not a connection issue. It  seems that blaming everything but the themselves seems to be the way of LL, they take no responsibility for their part in screwing up peoples' experience by constantly changing it. I personally suspect it's done on purpose, but that's just my instincts talking.

    I don't understand why Linden Labs has to keep changing it to make it harder for us to stay in SL. seems like bad business sense to me, I am going to cancel my premium membership since I get the impression they don't really care one way or the other about us. I should think you would want to make it easier for people to come in and stay in SL, not harder. But hey what do I know, I am not a corporation.

  11. OK my question was NOT meant the way it is being taken... I was NOT the one who said that people answering in here know nothing, I simply relayed what idiot people are telling me... and I do NOT believe them. I trust that the answers I get here are accurate, and well intended. Please dont jump down my throat for asking a question, and relaying what I was told by idiots who want to do whatever they please in SL. I simply wanted an answer I can relay back to THEM.
    Thanks for understanding

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  12. OK my question was NOT meant the way it is being taken... I was NOT the one who said that people answering in her know nothing, I simply relayed what idiot people are telling me... and I do NOT believe them. I trust that the answers I get here are accurate, and well intended. Please dont jump down my throat for asking a question, and relaying what I was told by idiots who want to do whatever they please in SL. I simply wanted an answer I can relay back to THEM.

    Thanks for understanding

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