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Princess Pierterson

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Everything posted by Princess Pierterson

  1. Hi all, Hope 2015 is treating you well so far and that all is well. I'm an oldie in SL (over 9 years) and have been feeling the "lonely island syndrom" for a while now. I've searched high and low for a themed sim with sidewalks, community areas and events, etc and have had no success. The closest I've come is the Grove Country Club Estates. It's a beautiful sim, but it's super pricey. It also reminds me of those "rich" neighborhoods in RL where everyone keeps to themselves and no one ever talks o each other... So now I'm back to square one and am starting to wonder if I'm the only one interested in this type of community in SL. I'm not interested in role play since I'm a new mom in RL and don't have the time for that. I just want to be part of a community where when I do find the time to log in, I have something to look forward to. Most of the friends I had when I first joined SL either don't log in anyore or log in when I'm offline. Since my time is limited, I rarely am able to make it to events or stay for an entire one, I would love to simply be a part of a community so that SL doesn't feel so lonely anymore. It would be awesome to find a sim where I can take a walk on the sidewalk and see all the pretty houses that are setup. One with community areas, like a park or lake where folks can meet up to chat or hold community events. One where there are no ban lines and ugly for sale signs floating in the air. One where every plot owner feels like they're part of a family... Is this wishful thinking? Does anyome know if a sim like this already exist? If I were to one day decide to create an environment like this, would anyone be interested in being a part of it? I would love your input. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi and thank you for your interest! :matte-motes-smile: This center residential Lakeside Plot is 10,560 sqm with 936 Prims on a very low lag Homestead sim. Prince has been reduced to 2500 $L! Included with your purchase is the following: A bonus 4320 sqm plot with 272 prims that will be transferred to you for extra prims. If you deed both lands to a group, that brings your prim total to 1208!10 days of paid tier as of 3/12/14!If I appear to be eager to sell this land, it's because I want the next owner to benefit from these bonuses. This beautiful parcel was too big for my needs, but may be perfect for someone looking for plenty of space. If this plot is purchased now, the bonus parcel will continue to provide extra prims for the new owner at a weekly tier of 2500$L/wk after the 10 days of paid tier runs out. However, if this plot isn't sold while I still own it and the new estate owners take it over, I can't guarantee that the extra bonus prims will continue to be honored. This beautiful parcel is part of 2 joined sims with a community Lake area and walkways. Feel free to contact me, Princess Pierterson, if you have any questions. Click here to view this plot inworld and get more info.
  3. Hi and thank you for your interest! :matte-motes-smile: This center residential Lakeside Plot is 10,560 sqm with 936 Prims on a very low lag Homestead sim. I'm feeling generous, so I've reduced the price to 4200 $L! Included with your purchase is the following: A bonus 4320 sqm plot with 272 prims that will be transferred to you for extra prims. If you deed both lands to a group, that brings your prim total to 1208!15 days of paid tier as of 3/7/14!If I appear to be eager to sell this land, it's because I want the next owner to benefit from these bonuses. This beautiful parcel was too big for my needs, but may be perfect for someone looking for plenty of space. If this plot is purchased now, the bonus parcel will continue to provide extra prims for the new owner at a weekly tier of 2500$L/wk after the 15 days of paid tier runs out. However, if this plot isn't sold while I still own it and the new estate owners take it over, I can't guarantee that the extra bonus prims will continue to be honored. This beautiful parcel is part of 2 joined sims with a community Lake area and walkways. Feel free to contact me, Princess Pierterson, if you have any questions. Click here to view this plot inworld and get more info.
  4. Hi and thank you for your interest! **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> This prime residential homestead Lakeside Plot is 10,560 sqm with 936 Prims. I would love for someone to benefit from the paid tier, so I just reduced the purchase price to 5000L$. With your purchase, you'll recieve the following: 16 days of paid tier as of 3/6/14 - valued at over 5500 $L! Only 2500 L$ weekly tier after the 16 days.A bonus 4320 sqm plot with 272 prims that will be transferred to you for extra prims. If you deed both lands to a group, your prim total will be 1208! This beautiful parcel is part of 2 joined sims with a community Lake area and walkways. With each passing day, the amount of tiers left decreases, so act fast! Feel free to contact me, Princess Pierterson, if you have any questions. You can also visit the plot inworld and get more info from there: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire50/206/121/22
  5. Hi and thank you for your interest! **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> This prime residential homestead Lakeside Plot is 10,560 sqm with 936 Prims. I would love for someone to benefit from the paid tier, so I just reduced the purchase price to 5000L$. With your purchase, you'll recieve the following: 16 days of paid tier as of 3/6/14 - valued at over 5500 $L! Only 2500 L$ weekly tier after the 16 days.A bonus 4320 sqm plot with 272 prims that will be transferred to you for extra prims. If you deed both lands to a group, your prim total will be 1208! This beautiful parcel is part of 2 joined sims with a community Lake area and walkways. With each passing day, the amount of tiers left decreases, so act fast! Feel free to contact me, Princess Pierterson, if you have any questions. You can also visit the plot inworld and get more info from there: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire50/206/121/22
  6. Hi and thank you for your interest! :) This huge residential homestead Lakeside Plot is 10,560 sqm with 936 Prims. For the purchase price of only 5500L$, you will also recieve the following: 17 days of paid tier as of 3/5/14 - valued at 6225 $L! Only 2500 L$/wk once tier runs out.A bonus 4320 sqm plot with 272 prims that will be transferred to you for extra prims. If you deed both lands to a group, your prim total will be 1208! This beautiful parcel is part of 2 joined sims with a community Lake area and walkways. With each passing day, the amount of tiers left decreases, so act fast. Feel free to contact me, Princess Pierterson, if you have any questions. You can also visit the plot inworld and get more info from there: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire50/206/121/22
  7. This huge residential homestead Lakeside Plot is 10560 sqm with 936 Prims. It's part of 2 joined sims with a community Lake area and walkways. The tier is 2500 L$/wk and your purchase price of 5500L$ will includes 18 days of paid tier as of today. That's over 1000L$ saving! With each passing day, the amount of tiers left decreases, so act fast. Come check it out: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire50/160/133/22
  8. You can still save on tier if you buy this beautiful residential Lakeside plot todayI It's part of 2 joined sims with a community Lake area and walkways. Tier is 2500 L$/wk and as of today, 3/3/2014 - your purchase price of 5500L$ will includes 18 days of paid tier. That's over 1000L$ saving. Come and see for yourself: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaire50/160/133/22
  9. This is a good thread. Thanks for starting it. Many of the responses have been good reminders of how to revive the SL experience. I've been in SL for almost 8 years and know far too well how if one doesn't keep active, you can grow bored very quickly. I speak from personal experience, since I'm going through that right now. When I first joined, I was involved in just about everything. Some of my past occupations were: detective, model, graphic designer and tarot reader. I've even dabbled in building at one point, though I can't say that took me very far. However, over the past few years, less of my old friends log in anymore and I never allowed myself to go with the flow. Instead of making new friends and continuing to find things to keep me busy, I started to log in less, to the point where when I log in these days I feel like a newb. Like one of the previous posters said, I find myself logging in mainly to pay my tier. If your purpose for starting this thread is for insight on how to keep that interest in SL going, I'd say many of the responses already given are great places to start. I'm even thinking of starting a thread to gather suggestions on how to go about socializing in SL these in ways, other than clubbing... Anyhow, thanks again for this thread.
  10. Hi Amethyst. Thanks for your suggestion. One of the challenges I have right now is that I don't even know where to look anymore to find compatible people. Most of my old SL freinds no longer log in. Most of the communities I used to be a part of are no longer active. Hence why I'm hoping to find an active community that's already well established. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but hopefully such a community is out there. Thanks again.
  11. Hi all, hope all is well. I'm sort of a veteran in SL (been around since 2005), and am looking for an active themed sim to settle down in. I currently live in a very beautiful, well maintained, fantasy forest themed sim, but it's not very active. It's not a role playing sim, so people basically keep to themselves . There are also no community events. My hope is to find an equally beautiful fantasy themed sim that has an active community. One where I can stroll down the streets or roads and see the creative ways that neighbors decorate their lands. It would be great if there are shared community areas or parks or water for boats or swimming. One where there are either monthy or seasonal events that bring people together. One where it doesn't seem wierd for neighbor to simply say "hi". I used to live in a similar sim back in the day called "Farm Haven". It wasn't as active as described above, but it was close. I considered creating a sim such as this myself, but my RL would make it a challenge to maintain. I am hoping to find one that's already well established. I'm also OK if it's a role playing sim. I don't get to be on SL a lot, but I don't mind playing a role every once in a while. Some of my past SL occupations include gallery owner of my art work, detective, radio host, super model and tarot card reader. Maybe one of these skills might fit a role in some sim. If any of you know of a good community that's similar to what I describe above, where an oldie like myself would be a good fit, please share. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and blessings to you. :)
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