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Justyn Blackburn

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  1. My next improvement idea for the marketplace would be, that you have a post office box for latest product reviews at marketplace.
  2. Oh dear you spoke your mind! I hope more people will speak out of their heart! Im very proud of you!
  3. I totally agree with you. Spread the word The more response the closer we are to change the marketplace more merchant friendly. Cheers Justyn
  4. 1. I would like to see the Names of items not the numbers only, that has been purchased on Marketplace in the Second Life Transactions. 2. I would like to have improved statistics of sold items at Marketplace and Second Life Transactions. Like to see the Icon [Sold Units 96], when you browse through (My Store) at Marketplace. And you could be able to see sales graph, when you click on the [Sold Unit ] Button. 3. I would really appreaciate, if Linden Lab will make it able to download a Second Life Transaction Viewer. So you could see what sells good what not. You could have total overview of your Marketplace. You could adjust Pricing and other things. What do you think about it? Do you like my and others ideas? As a Merchant on Marketplace, do you have an idea to improve the marketplace? Greetigns Justyn
  5. Thank you Innula and Kwakkelde! It works. I havent thought that its so easy. But im glad i asked. Surely this will help other residents too. if (message == "outfit1") llSetTexture("UUIDNumberfromHead", 0); if (message == "outfit1") llSetTexture("UUIDNumberfromArm", 1); and so on.
  6. The easiest way is to put a script in each material ("linked" object) of the mesh but i cannot go into the content of each material (texturable part of the mesh model) there is just one content to put a script into the entire Mesh model. I dont know how the other texturable parts of the mesh model are named or what object keys they hide.
  7. Hi everybody, I´m stuck in making a texture changer script for a mesh object that is one object with several materials. That means in sl I can texture each part of the model, but the mesh just have one content I can put a script into it. I also cannot edit linked objects I can just texture each part, caz the mesh is merged and I removed doubles in blender to reduce vertices. I tried to find the object keys with an object group key finder script, but it says this object doesn't have any object groups. So can anybody help me find a way to make one texture changer script for changing each material of the mesh model? Here is the picture that shows the colored materials, that can be textured manually yet.
  8. If it's no problem then why aren't you doing it? It is solving something and the lower LODs are suppose to be lower than the high LOD, that's why they're called lower. There's a reason every game uses LOD and it's not because the developers like wasting time making multiple models of everything. Im not doing it im testing best resolution.
  9. I dont think its lag-wise to set all three LOD´s to high when you feel you have an LOD Issue. I think the prim count and the server count is giving me right. My experience is that when i do that and the last is to 0 i have no problems and the land impact is like nothing. As i saw, there are only three LOD Levels with Sculpties so i think the fourth maybe could also be the one for Physics, when you think of doing rigged avatars. Once i made a shop in blender and i notices i couldnt go in so i thought it was the physics but it wasnt. You can set this up in the edit options. The problem is when LOD is changing many Creators feels just bad about it, when they see a lower LOD, LOD means lower Visible Vertices and Triangles, just the whole Creation suffers. It makes the customer feels like that there is something not ok. Its no problem to create four LOD levels of a mesh but that is not solving any issue caz the meshes of the lower levels will still be lower than the first higher LOD. Sure LOD is made for view distance, that is giving more space and air for the everybody RAM and Graphic Card and LOD is in every other game. So dont let us forget there is also and option under Debugging ---> RenderVolumeLodFactor Im really intend to learn more about this.
  10. Sure it affects it, but when you you do the first three LOD to set all high and the last very low level on 0. and go to category Physics and choose very low level then you save upload costs caz you leave the mesh non physical. I made this with my rigged avatars and i dont have LOD Problems. And it didnt affect my mesh avatar in movement or any kind of way looking different as i would do it in another way. The thing is that it has just 0,5 until 2 prims, when physics is set to 0 and it though has over 16 000 Vertices and 6000 Triangles and it has very low server lag like a half sculpty. When i do the lowest LOD level to high like 16 000 Vertices and 6000 and put on the physics on that, then this item surely causing alot of lag.
  11. yes that bothers me too. I think you have to load up the mesh model with all high instead of medium Level and low Level just make lowest Level to 0 and set physics to this lowest Level. Then you dont have much upload costs. Physics as i learned has something to do when you set the mesh to physical then it has to colide with the ground and objects and so on. If its not needed i dont use physics option! And have Mesh with High Quality and i pay 12 lindens upload costs with often 0,2 physics only. Maybe im wrong but maybe someone knows better?
  12. Thank you very much Gaia. Im gonna try this out. Im really a fan of you and your Blog it helped me so much. You can say you teached me blender haha Yes it was Margin now the seams are gone thank you :matte-motes-big-grin:
  13. Hi i have the same problem with my rigged mesh avatars. When I scroll a bit away from my Mesh Avatar then i see the seams of the polygons the mesh has. I tried 6 polygons Avatar and one polygon Avatar, which all polygroups where merged to one! I didnt help, when i scrolled away with the camera, then the Avatar is full of seams. Seams are just shown when i put textures on the avatar. So i guess maybe the maps are not right scaled in Blender? here is a picture This Bunny HAD several Polygon groups, which are all merged down to one Polygon ( one single Mesh Avatar) Although seams are showing when scrolling away
  14. The relevance bug is when you or other browse your marketplace, just in my case it doesnt show the actual sold items anymore, instead it shows up older items,that i have created at christmas times. lol yes my shop looks like a christmas shop now when somebody browses my shop.
  15. Hi great suggestions so far I also have some suggestions: 1. A blacklist of Marketplace would be great. 2. A better overview of all sold items would be great like making a CHART/GRAPH OF ALL SOLD ITEMS, which includes at least the value of all sold items with the option of choosing the period of time. Also would be great to add a Purchasing Counter under the Ads Review, when you brows your own marketplace there should be under the reviews an another place for Sold Units. Like for example: [Picture] --------------------------- Product Name Reviews (5) Sold Units (96) Shop Name Sold by Merchant Name This should be only be seen by the own Merchant, who is browsing his own Marketplace / or not 3. A search system to look for specific sold items, which has to be inputted to the Top Selling Products Category. I always have to turn over several pages to look for a specific item to know how often it has been purchased. 4. It should be possible to search in the transaction list by using the USERNAME of the Customers. I always have to delete the dot, caz i copy and paste the usernames from the customers from the second life inworlds profile to the search in Transaction History Orders! I hope you like my suggestions Best Regardings Justyn
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