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Sigren Panthar

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Posts posted by Sigren Panthar

  1. I recently bought a 23" AOC IPS monitor.   SL looks great, but looking closely reveal all verticals are ever so slightly (only by looking at a circle or sphere can you see it fully) squashed, so a circle looks like a vertical elipse...albeit by a very small amount.

    Windows auto detects the native res to be 1920X1080, and fiddling around with display scaling in windows and the nvidia control panel does not improve it.

    Only by going to the 'relatively' inferior res of 1650x1050 does SL look normal with no squashed effect on verticals.

    My card is a low end 520GT, but it's specs seem to indicate it should have no problem displaying at the monitor's native res.

    Rest of pc is only 6 months old,  dual core 3.20 Ghz, 3.50gb RAM, win7 32 bit.

    Not a top end machine, I am aware but it gets me fps of 45-60 in high settings, and other than this display glitch my SL performs well. 

  2. The problem is tier......or rent, as it actually is in reality, despite the spin word 'tier'. Tier is another way to get 'rent' off the silly people who think they have 'bought' land. However, the western hemisphere economies are nose diving. In the UK, the foolish 'peasants' waved flags in support of a single family who are the biggest benefit scroungers in history, despite unprecedented and draconian cuts to the population's basic living conditions and a third world health service. Who says you can't fool all the people all of the time? By comparison, China put a woman in space orbit and sent a sub to the bottom of the marianas trench the same week. People are struggling to buy food and petrol in RL, never mind paying exorbitant virtual land fees to LL who couldn't give a damm about you in any case. Therefore, the best people to buy any land in SL are the dough-brained, sheep-like english if you stick a pic of Liz Saxe-Coburg on the sign, or the chinese, who - at this rate - will soon own america in any case.

  3. Therein lies the problem; our lead weight of a CEO communicates with the same  grasp of the fundamental challenges and priorities,  as he does running the company.  

    He must have a quiet chuckle everytime he opens his pay packet. 

    You know what they say: you either laugh or cry. 

  4. I recently bought a friend some cool anime mesh hair.  However, it seems it does not fit very well at all - eve with an anime head - , cannot be shrunk to fit, and for some reason attaches to her right hand?

  5. Stay.  In time, you will find more sims to explore, and SL should only get better for you as time goes by.

    The variety of things on offer, from shops and themed sims to RP game sims, is unrivaled by any other virtual world.

    Yes, it must be  apain being restricted at the moment to G rated sims, but time soon flies by in SL, and before you know it you will have access to a fuller experience.


  6. Yes, well said. I joined FB when it first appeared. As a RL musician/performer, many of my contacts on MySpace fled to this 'new, trendy' networking site. I left within two weeks, as the inane, mediocre email updates of what 'friends' who I seemingly knew because they were friends with someone I did actually know, were having for breakfast was clogging up my email.

    SL needs competition, badly. The main reason LL get away with their contempt for the long term SL resident is down to their not having to worry about any viable competition.

    However, such a virtual world that necessitates having to go through FB to take part is an instant turn off. Sadly.

  7. This will be the Italy side that our overpaid, lack lustre, 3rd rate clowns made look like Brasil, last night? :matte-motes-dont-cry:

    Yes, Germany have one of the best sides they have fielded in a long time.  But, good as you are, Spain have the edge, come the final.  Italy, you should beat, as they couldn't put a single goal past the joke England team, last night, in 90 minutes.


  8. With the purchase of my new PC and 23" monitor, I found I could run LL's V3 no problem at all.   Worse, I actually quite like it.  Better, I prefer Niran's take on the V3 viewer.


    In both of these viewers, chatting in local is a nightmare - unlike the old, logical v1 days.   Unless I press 'enter' after each line of chat, my avatar jumps (as if I had hit 'page up), ' which looks stupid to anyone I am chatting to. 

    Clearly, I am either not doing something correctly, or need to set this stupid local chat up somehow, so I can type in a chat conversation without having to remember to hit the enter key, or jumping around like a loon.

    help, appreciated. 

  9. They 'don't care', as you put it, for simple reasons, when you think about it.

    1) SL still really has no viable competition.  A company making any product that is in demand, can be quite laissez faire with customer service.   Sound familiar?

    2) The - yet-to be- dynamo that is the CEO, can probably not believe his luck having landed a job in a company where the company is king, contrary to conventional business wisdom and practice.   I suspect his golf swing has improved enormously.

    3) Ultimately, LL decisions are made by the bean counters, not the management. The management can only make new decisions if the cash is still rolling in enough to satisfy the accountants ok-ing any new expenses that may occur with new ideas and improving the system.  Bean counters are never satisfied, and maNY dream of squeezing last drops of blood out of stones most nights.

    4) Any company that has managed to get away with customer service as poor as LL has, for as many years, will naturally think it has no reason to improve whatsoever.  Indeed, the afore mentioned bean counters may encourage such a paucity regarding giving the customer some consideration.  The bare minimum, if not a bit less, will be the maxim. 

    5). Any criticism in the forums concerns them not: shills, toadies and the gullible swamp any such posts quickly.

    I am sure you can think of others. 

  10. Well, you could join the Gestapo?

    Quite honestly....have you really got nothing better to do than consider yourself one of the moral police?   Let LL deal with any TOS violations: that is what they are paid for, and you are not.  Griefing is going on wildly in many areas, affecting the game enjoyment of many, yet LL - and you - are impotent to stop it.  Worrying about adult pose balls on a mature beach is not going to destroy SL.

    If you are sooooo pyschologically damaged by this, and worry that all us poor residents will  plunge into the abyss of debauchery then why not try the hundreds of PG sims....and stay there.


  11. A post about excellent LL customer service a couple of days after the grid failure. Interesting.

    It is great they managed to sort your own problems out quickly.  However, I - and I believe there are a 'few' others - find LL customer service simply dreadful.

    Recently, a few of us have had reason to AR a certain individual. This we have done more out of 'going through the motions', than any expectation LL will deal with the situation swiftly and efficiently.  A sad indictment.

    The high hopes some had that the new CEO would put the customer/resident high on his lists of priorities were dashed slowly but surely. Indeed, the lame response he made to the last names fiasco, dampened the ardour of even a few shills.  




  12. Light hearted Cthuhlu mythos aside, I suspect those of the herd who are actually like the RL pics of models in many profiles will be delighted to comply with your request, but those of us who look like I do when I get out of bed in the morning will pale at the thought of inflicting such on other innocent residents. :matte-motes-grin:

    In addition, I am of the opinion it is nice to be able to choose any avatar and inhabit it with our personality, and make that the main focus of communication when we meet in SL, whereas in RL many people judge others purely by their looks first and foremost.

  13. I agree.  I have also seen 'fruit machines,' for all  intents and purposes, rows and rows of them in certain sims.   I watched a few punters place bets, and these machines ...are...gambling.  No ifs or buts.

    How do they get under the TOS gambling radar? Good question. However, let us not forget just how long Redzone was for sale in SL before LL got around to actually doing something about the clamour from disgruntled residents.

     Redzone would likely still be here if it was up to LL; it was banned simply because those pesky LL-wage-paying customers actually had the temerity to swell a Jira so that LL actually had to - gasp! - get inworld and do something.

    It would appear the TOS banning gambling is yet another LL debacle.....unless these 'fruit machine' designers know something - or someone - we don't? 

    Perish the thought. :smileywink: 

  14. Ouch. a rather nasty reply, methinks.

    Problem is, like a few others here, you are not the Word, and you do not know it all.  Nor do you get the fact the OP has every right to make a post in these forums, and they raise a good point of some sims being too far up their own fundamentals.

    I bet you're a real bag of laughs to hang around with. 

  15. You have incurred the 'holier-than-thou', sanctimonius withering replies of at least 3 forum 'personalities' who believe they know it all. They don't.

      Quite rightly you replied politely back to them trying to make your point, which was actually quite vaild, but as you can see they are not in the slightest interested about your point of view, only theirs.  Don't worry. After a while reading the forums you can easily spot them.

    Yes, you hit the nail on the head.  Too many sim owners are up their own a***holes, and take the whole thing WAY too seriously.   It is one thing to RP in a period sim, but to visit and explore is quite another and you should be able to go as whatever avatar you like.

    Also, being bombarded by notecards is a pain, more often than not, and the vast majority do not have time to wade through them. I immediately leave sims with heavy rules.   They are invariably low on fun, and high on drama.

    My advice to you is explore and find places you will be welcome as you are.   

  16. Spoken like a true apologist who conveniently forgets just who the customers are, here.  A clue; it isn't LL.


    As for the OP's remark being grossly offensive?  I think not.


    As a customer, the OP used their rights to complain about aspects of the service they find unsatisfactory.   


    Pretending that everything LL do is wonderful is as bad as people who say everything they do is terrible.   The simple fact is LL do somethings very well, and deserve praise when they do so.   Equally, when they mess up their customers have every right to complain.....which is where we run into problems on these forums, heavily patrolled as they are by the same handful of shills who launch virulent attacks on anyone who dares to level any critical question at LL, regardless of any actual merit.

  17. Actually, no. I have ejected/banned avatars from my skybox - what ARE nosey avatars doing flying over 3500m?! lol - without any problems.  That said, there was one time a avatar did tp to my parcel and at first eject did not work; I had to try it about 4 times before they were ejected, but I suspect they were using some trick or griefer aid.

    As far as the OP is concerned, perhaps they need a good security orb?   

  18. Well said.....and well put to one of the tiresome - but oh so predictable - Shill Queens on here.....quite made my day reading you put her to the sword. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

    However, it is no chance of fate that such shills and apologists swarm in these forums, and as you point out they blindly ignore the glaring inadequacies and appalling customer relations of LL  because that is what they are precisely here to do.

    The sad thing is, LL has actually made a half hearted attempt to improve their viewer. It now shows promise.  However, I think it is too little too late, and had we not had astounding incompetence in the conception and introduction of viewer2, not to mention the notorious deafness that LL staff - by and large - exhibit to their customers we would never have had that debacle of a viewer to start with.

    Serious investment is needed by LL in servers and database, as the OP shrewdly nailed,  but LL is ruled by their beancounters who are out to squeeze every last $L out of the place, and the customers come last by some margin.

    Bumble has not been able to reverse this suicidal way to run a company. Yet. :o)

  19. One thing I notice is you are using LL Viewer3....this is a very intensive drain on even a top machine....switch - immediately! - to either cool VL viewer or phoenix viewer.   Using either could make a huge difference and actually rez your avatar.

    Phoenix is listed in the Third Prty Viewers list on the sl webpages, cool vl viewer is not, but is fully TOS compliant, and a simple Google search will find it for you.


  20. At first, I found Marketplace quite good. Indeed, so much so, that I spent far more than I tneded to do inworld, as there I browsed malls and shops almost like RL.

    However, the last two times I have used Marketplace, I have had at least one item non-delivery and enough, quite frankly, is enough.  The lastest non-delivery  - to make matters worse - is listed in my marketplace account as having been delivered when no such thing has occured.  Hopeless.  But...does anyone at LL give a toss?  Nope. 

    As for LL wriggling out of any reponsibility, yet at the same time shamelessly slipping their nice 'cut' into their bulging pockets, that, too, is another reason I cannot recommend anyone to use Marketplace.

  21. You came. You wrote. You failed.

    Let me just ask you this...as a apparent and upcoming shill, it has clearly never occured to you that people like myself do not use the dire LL viewer out of spite or an act of rebellion; we don't use it because it isn't good enough.

    To be fair to LL, the direction the new viewer 3 is taking is - at long, long last and after years of resident complaints and pleading - going in the right direction.  However, for a company like LL to bring out the disaster that viewer2 was in the first place, and then bury their heads in the sand and pretend all is well was nothing less than a scandal.

    I do not use viewer3 as my TPV frankly p***es all over it.  Not because I have any particular loyality to any TPV dev team.

    Now, do you grasp this concept?  If the LL viewer is ever as good - and, again, to LL's shame their OWN viewer should be the best in theory bearing in mind their resources, but to their eternal shame it is not - and better than a TPV viewer, I, and many others will embrace it.

    Your blog link/ test result means nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why? because people try different viewers and pick the best one for themselves to enjoy SL with, and for the majority of residents it is not viewer 3.   That may cause a lump in your throat, but that is a fact.  Accept it, until LL delivers what it should have long ago.



  22. Rest assured, it is considerably more than a 'few; people.  If LL had a responsible CEO, those billing people who are 'unable' to add your card and sort your problem out would be fired.

    In my case, much as I love my two parcels, I am perfectly willing to let them go, now.  If a company cannot even manage their billing to earn their own wages, what does that tell you about their attitude to their product?  Worse, what does that tell you about their attitude to their customers?

    It will give me greater pleasure to stop giving these clowns my money, as many of my older friends are doing in increasing numbers.

    But, is Rod listening? 

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