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WeeWillian Wylie

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Posts posted by WeeWillian Wylie


    honerken wrote:

    What are we, 4 years old? Men are intelligent enough to dress themselves in real life, why would they need a woman to do it for them in SL?

    Lol..Go out into the sl world and then come back and tell me that..lol..I've seen many an avi that could use this challenge.It's not the putting on of the clothes..it's the picking and putting them together that leaves something to be desired.

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  2. Sigh..OK..Maybe I'm too old but I just see so many other better things they could have taken from emerald/phoenix (like vertical tabs, better radar, recombining local chat and im/group chat and all the little building improvements the builders love so much) then bouncing tata's and wiggling bums..But then again they are trying to excite the teen crowd to stay and shake the image of older folks playing at gaming.

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  3. I'm not sure any exist anymore...some clubs had occassional(ie bi-monthly) line dancing nights with mostly country/rock-a-billy music. my suggestion is approaching some of the full time clubs and seeing if you can help create a gay/country night...if you can help get the crowd any owner would be glad to have the business.

    Dim Sum Garden group banner (750x167).jpg

  4. or maybe it lead them to the beginners more..Considering how many times I've seen folks complaining they can't get into second life because they missed that they needed to dl a viewer.The immediate gratification of a web based browser would have it's place if for no other reason then to get them into the game quickly and lead them to the download...

  5. Was surprised today to see that the web based browser is still available but disappointed That I don't know how I got to it.(or was selected) Basically I had one of Firefoxes tabs opened to the map page. I had copied the slurl off it and went in world to buy some clothes leaving the tabs open.About a half hour later I went back to firefox(still open under SL) and discovered an overlay on the map page offering me access to check into sl. I did and saw something similar to the previous web browser, but with more options I believe...but got signed out cause I wanted to see what that shiny button that offered me full access.(I know I know..never click the shiny color changing buttons...)

    So the web based browser is still being worked on and available??? And if so how do we get regular access to it so we can offer our valuable opinions???LOL

                                   Dim Sum Garden group banner (750x167).jpg


  6. A lot of it is good sound advice...the only areas I disagree with is freebies and Grid Wide Hunts... On freebies : it's absolutely the best way to promote the quality of your work...especially at fashion events and fairs. Those are an absolute mess to navigate around. At best folks are going to get in grab a few freebies or immediate to landing items and leave. The thing they got is your freebie...is it a good representation of your work? Does it include an LM to your store where I can browse similar products and an lm to your location at the event so I can use my beacon to find your shop there(if there are special only event items you sell..). Is it easy to wear without a lot of editing? My regular stores I shop at I found through their freebies (or hunts) and I'm still loyal to them.

    As to grid wide hunts...yes we come in find the object and get out. We are on a hunt after all...but it doesn't end there. I go through every single folder after the hunt and try on everything. From here on out it is the same as a freebie-quality...lm...ease of use. I and many of the people I know do go back after the hunt and shop.

    I know this isn't the accepted view of hunts and freebies...but trust me..I have spent $1,000's USD on clothes hairs and skins and accessories. You want me to find you...


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  7. I remember that and also the wonderful dropped chat...you'd be following along and then realize that something had been "said" but didn't get to your window.

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  8. Yes there is underwear out there with a prim bulge...I believe Vitamen and Jungle wear may carry them....what you are seeing on the posters is a combination of setting up the "bulge" factor in the shape and maybe a little photoshopping.

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  9. How about the RL economy still stinks and things are tougher then in the good old days. Do I have lunch at work or buy the new coat at sf designs? There was an equally successful online shopping website-possibly even more so if you listen to the complaints now that the Lindens own it. I tend not to buy clothes or hair or plants on the marketplace...I prefer to see them in game. Frankly alot of the stores don't last because their products arn't very good or are better done by others.

    Have premium memberships gone up any in the last year? I'm thinking rather that people have decided that a home isn't really a neccesity to enjoy the game. Not considering the econmic constraints of today. Things are tough out there...I've been out of work for 3 months now. Frankly I'm not sure how much longer I will be a part of the economy in game..

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  10. There also used to be a hair designer-Diversity Hair-that gave out a single hair piece for avatars under 30 days.I still have mine and a couple I later bought once I got established in sl. Regretfully I can't seem to find them in world anymore. Not sure if that means they are gone or if Search is just being tiresome today.

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