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Buck Dallas

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Posts posted by Buck Dallas

  1. I think this might be the first time in years I've posted to the forum. I just come to say I am pumped! 

    Some suggested features (which I am sure you are already thinking of) 

    Seamless MP/Casper listings. 

    Please change the way assigning vendors works (once you have 2000+ products, assigning a headless vendor using that single dropdown menu can be a bit cumbersome when you are assigning 70 new vendors and all your products start with [Store Name] - XXX)

    Better yet... integrate that thing so hard that we dont even need vendors and can just go back to using "Buy Contents" inworld. 

    Redelivery directly from SL website/MP without needing to find an inworld terminal. 

    Promo/Discount codes!

    Managing Land rentals without having to mess with in-world boxes. 

    So many possibilities! 

    • Like 4
  2. It's frustrating that you are here basically making a giant listicle that says "Be better with your LODs @ creators" - But the reality is that modern computers (not the bull junk from years ago.. if you are using a computer that was made before 2014.. what are you even doing on a game like Second Life) can very much handle the tris - the GPU VRAM is being overloaded by textures in the pursuit of crisp detail in Second Life. People walk around with outfits that the mesh may be (somewhat) optimized, but then they will have 4 1024 textures on a single pair of pants. (And dont get me started on people who put all of their textures on a prim inside the pants so that when they use the HUD it "loads faster"... but makes everyone around them load 50+ 1024's while they are wearing a simple pair of jeans) 
    There's also no talk whatsoever on symmetrical workflow (which is probably the FIRST question everyone should ask themselves whenever they are making game assets for anything)

    You really could've just condensed this to "Make custom LODs and clean up your tri count" (which tri count, again, is becoming less and less important to worry about)

    I'm not saying tri counts dont matter, but I am saying texture count > tri count when it comes to optimization.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  3. I've been applying to most of the weekly sales groups that you can find on the seraphim website. I managed to get into a hunt called the Gimme Candy Hunt for October.. it will be my first one! And I'm down to apply for anything that I can get in.. I strive to create lots of new products, but I feel like maybe a sale group or a hunt or something like that is a much better place to release them at. Lots of my product releases just seem to slip under the radar unnoticed.


    I don't understand how people find out about hunts and stuff though, I heard about the GCH from a friend. Is there some kind of network that I should be a part of where store owners hear about upcoming events like this that they can apply to? Or is it basically a word-of-mouth thing or something I have to wait to be invited to? Because I always hear about the hunts.. but not until they've started! LOL. Thank you! <3

  4. Hi :) 

    My name is Kyle, and I'm a new designer in Second Life.. I make mesh furniture, and I just can't seem to get my name out there and get people to visit my store (.lame furniture, btw) 

    So i wanted to post in here and see if maybe anyone had some advice for me on how to get your name really out there? I tried to apply to some of the events that I really like, but it just seems like no one is interested or they are always offline and don't recieve my offline IM's/Notecards. So does anyone know of anything that is accepting new designers? Or does anyone know a way that I could get some people to check out my work? Any help would be fabulously appreciated.


    I'm new to the forums! I don't know if this is against the rules, I will take it down if it is.. but heres my SLURL:


    and my flickr! (add me as a contact, I loooooove stalking flickr!)



    Thanks guys <3

    -Kyle (Divine)


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