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Erica Kessel

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Everything posted by Erica Kessel

  1. I'm having a very frustrating and strange problem with SL on Mac OS X 10.6.7 and currently viewer 2.6.3, although it's been updated a few times since this problem started. One day a few weeks ago, a friend IM'ed me and asked if I'd changed my shape. I said no, and to me my avatar looked the same as it always has. She saw me differently, though, and sent me a screenshot. I then discovered that my inventory was reporting I was wearing a different shape, even though I saw myself normally. Even after changing back to my normal shape, people are still telling me that they see me in this other shape. This has been going on for weeks now, and I've tried everything to fix it. I've switched my shape a bunch of times, made small edits to my normal shape and saved it, reinstalled SL, deleted the Second Life folder in Application Support, cleared the cache... Some people have been able to relog and see my normal shape again, but then the next day they're seeing it weird again. Another detail is that if I log in to SL on my Windows computer, everything's fine. But then when I go back to Mac the problems start again.
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