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Red Garter Lounge Theme Night:

Theme: Couples Night Time: Mon 4-8pm SLT  Dec 12th  DJ:  Hostess: Mistress Mendy

Join Red Garter Lounge for  the first and hopefully many Couples Night  so come on down and bring your partner.  Be sure to join the VIP group for your special tag for the night be sure to bring those friends and party with our friendly energetic staff.  We welcome everyone, furry, vamp, neko etc.

Be sure to get in the the weekly drawing,were looking for your ideas on events just drop a card with your idea in the suggestion box if its chosen,you attend the event fully and are in the appropriate attire you will receive a 100L$.

You cannot miss this!http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Defenstar/98/40/51

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