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Duplicate Chat and Double payments

Lizbet Madsen

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Recently my viewer has been duplicating all chats that I send or receive.  It is also double charging payments when Lindens are used.  I have cleared my cache, lowered and raised and lowered again, my bandwidth, checked my internet connection (normal) and even uninstalled and reinstalled Second Life viewers.  Anyone heard of this problem and know how to fix it?

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Thank you for the quick responses :)  I have tried both of those options.  The translator was never on at all and my bandwidth is set to min.  Also there is another person in the house on the same network, different computer and he has no problems at all in second life.  I can sign into his computer using my Avie and all is fine.  So it is certainly something with my own viewer and computer.  We are on the same network, and it is not a wireless network.

Additional problems are now occuring, If I add items to a box, they duplicate, if I take a prim back into my inventory, it duplicates....Now only if the viewer would duplicate my Lindens....hehe.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

I recently ran into this problem last week (Jan. 11, 2015) and it toook me quite a while to track down the problem. What was happening was three different things.  1) Duplicate lines of chat. Everything I typed into local chat appeared twice and in IMs, even though it appeard only once to me,  the person I was chatting with got them as well. 2)  I got two copies of everything I tried to rez.  3)  Every $L transaction I made, I got charged twice.

This seem to be a problem a few years ago and there's even some JIRAs concerning this, however, in my situation, it was not a problem with Secondlife or their servers.

In my troubleshooting, I found that this would happen to me on both of my avatars, my main one and my backup alt.  It would happen whether I used the LL Viewer or the Firestorm viewer.  It would happen on another computers connected to my home network.  It would happen if bypassed my router and plugged directly into my PC or another PC.  Obviously the problem was with my ISP. 

Some of the things I read suggested that the problem was with duplicate packet transmissions and sure enough, that was the problem.  There was a problem with my ISP.  

Even though I tried pinging and tracert from my computer, I couldn't see any problem until I went to a couple of different websites to check my connection - www. dslreports and www.pingtest.com.  On DSL Reports Line Quality test, my results showed that when the server pinged my IP address, it got back 2x as many packets as it was sending.  Same with the utility at www.pingtest.com.  I called my ISP and explained the situation to them and they agreed that this shouldn't be happening. 

The person I talked to said there had been a recent change in their system and by the next day, they had the problem resolved.

I spent a lot of time trying to track down the problem as there's not a lot of info anywhere on the SL Forums about this, and everything I did read, simply suggested to do a clean install.

I am posting this here to save anyone else a lot of time and trouble by going to the websites I listed above and trying their tests. If you are getting the same results as I did, then don't waste your time, and contact your ISP immediately and explain your ping results and see if they can duplicate the problem on their systems.

If you are reading this, then chances are you are having the same trouble as I did.

Good Luck!


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  • 6 years later...

I recently experience this problem and my problem was that I have had just install a repeater to boost my internet and that gave me the problem. So you guys might just check on that. Seems that the repeater duplicated the signal from my router and all was double.

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