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Whats the best Laptop for Secondlife?

markymifty Borel

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Hey there, I plan on purchasing a laptop on a 500USD budget which is compatible with Secondlife with all its features enabled (Mesh and shadows).So here is a list of the things that it MUST be able to do:

Handle Secondlife (and run good)

Handle Mesh

Good enough graphics card to hand shadows

Good enough memory size

So with that said does anyone have any suggestions? Please keep in mind that im not a computer guro so I may not be able to understand any technical terms, so please speak in layman terms.


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For around $500 USD, you will not get a laptop with graphics capable of handling shadows/lighting and have it run good.


You'll need at least a mid-range GPU to even begin to handle shadows/lighting well, and really need an enthusiast or gaming class GPU to do it right.


Most laptops that have enthusiast/gaming GPUs run $900 USD or more.


If you drop the shadows/lighting restriction, you can find some decent ones that will run SL well around that price.





But it is going to be hard to find a decent GPU laptop in that price range.  Good luck!

 (ETA last link, that refurb will almost do it with the lighting/shadows.....it has an nvidia 260 in it!)

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Not sure what the best is but budget will limit your selection greatly.


Just doing a fast search located this laptop: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=637440&CatId=3998


From the specs it should run just about anything. There are models with less ram and cost about $400 cheaper. I would recommend saving your money until you can afford a higher end system which can handle SL and other applications.


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Does it really, really, really have to be a laptop? I ask because you would be better off spending $500 on a pretty good tower then later when you got more money get an awesome graphics card. With a tower you can expand when your budget allows for it in the future with the laptop you are kind of stuck.

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Thank you everyone for responding - I think I should (perhaps) have been a bit more specific - yeah I would love S/L to run as it should but...like others I have more pressing needs for £1000 :-), and a laptop is what I need due to other commitments around the Country.


At the minute S/L runs "ok'ish" for me (though, of course, I am probably in the realms of I have NO idea how good it could look) on my Dell Inspiron 1525, my question really is - on a budget which onboard graphics will perform at least as well as what I have already, or ideally a bit better.  Thank you again for your time


Sora xx

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