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Looking for friends to hang out with :)

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Hey everyone!

I’m looking to make some new friends here on Second Life who are genuine, fun, and not afraid to voice chat or share a bit about their real lives. Whether you’re into exploring new places, dancing attending events, or just hanging out and chatting, I’d love to connect with you!

A bit about me in RL:

  • 28, F, Australia.
  • I enjoy good conversation and getting to know people on a deeper level.
  • Open to a variety of activities – from casual meetups to more adventurous outings in SL.
  • A bit of a gamer - mostly playing no build fortnite - so I'd love to maybe connect beyond SL

If you’re someone who values real connections and enjoys voice chatting, feel free to message me or drop a comment below

Looking forward to meeting you,

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I’ve been in/out of SL for a bit, use to be an avid rp’er in there.  Being Aussie myself, our evenings can be quiet, and had made a lot of USA/EU friends when I was more flexible in my time, but now can only come in Oz evenings.  Tend to just chill OOC’ly’n’explore now.

I go around in my werewolf avi (how most know me there), who’s more grumpy looking than vicious, which might get him tossed out of some sims, but can human up there if need too.

Don’t mind voice chatting and enjoy some games that aren’t too much time sinks, usually horror coop games.  Male, older but evenings are free now. 

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