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Malrose's Sky Box Property rentals from smallest size up to 8,192m²!


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Malrose's Rentals

Malrose's Rentals is a brand new property rental company, currently specializing in


Build a small shop, a home for your breedables, or your very own dream home with our sky boxes!

In order to insure our tenant's utmost happiness, ALL our sky homes are built per request and usually done within 30minutes, but we usually have 1 sky box per size for quick and easy renting, with more currently being put in. Most of our sky boxes are mostly bare, but ask us about our housing options to be able to pick a fabulous home without having to spend the extra $L's for it.

•We offer from the smallest size sky boxes up to 4096m² and sky boxes up to 8,192m²(Rectangular, 4,096 being smallest square).

•Each sky box/dome will have 500m-800m between each other! Need more air space for your home? Don't be afraid to ask, it doesn't cost anything.

•We do not include the sky boxes, built and placed for you by M.R. staff, in your prim count.

•We have a ground floor (10,240m²) that isnt used, first come first serve.



We start our tenants at a minimum of

100 Prims / $L150 week, but you can always add more prims!

$L75 for ever 50 prims added.

No Limit!

Always a deal of buy 2 weeks, get 1 free!

If you see an available rental you like, but it has too much/too little prims, we can change that for you to suit your needs.


Have any questions? IM - Dream Malrose (dreammalrose)



Head to our office location(SLUrl Located below) to look for our rental panel for those already to move in,


Head to the M.R. Office location and pick up one of our Sky property applications, fill it out, then be sure to drop in our mailbox inside our office building! You will be contacted as soon as your new home is ready or if any other questions are needed answer.



Be sure to join Malrose's rentals group if you have any questions or are interested.



Note: Our office is currently under renovation, so please excuse the small space or missing things. Feel free  to leave a little boop to my cute pupps or bunnies.♥


Edited by DreamMalrose
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