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Club Know Where and Mall now HIRING DJS and hosts!


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Club Know Where is a recent 80's & 90's club but genres are now expanding to all decades music! Our main focus is 80s & 90s for Club Know Where but we now have music for all decades!

Update: We now accept 70's 80's, 90's and 2000's music! Genres often heard here are: Pop ,rock , alternative, hip hop and other genres

Warning: Even if we accept our main genres in all decades we still have music we won't play in this club which are: rap, disco, edm and country. No justin bieber, no do the wap and no death metal/heavy metal.  80's/90's metal is alright! ( ofc the genres are great but we like to keep the genres we want inside this club strict)


  Update:💛🎉What's new to this club you may wonder?? As you could see in the title this club is now also a mall with stalls available for rent! 💛 🎉 Are you a creator and wish to open up a shop for more people to see your wonderful products for sale? Then this is an awesome place for you! Plus employees get a discount on rent! Come rent your spot now!🎉


Update:💛  Also there will be skating rink and movie theater open for everyone soon and even more secrets to be found that you just wouldn't want to miss out! This place gets even bigger and bigger. Awesome right? So come visit and take a look for yourselves through the link below!💛🌠

LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Anders Port/241/165/4085


DJS and Hosts  (currently searching for more djs! )

What you will have:

100% tips

Fun and friendly environment!

Drama free club

Training available for all positions if needed

What we search for:

Djs using mic would be good BUT it isn't exactly required❤

Kind and awesome employees that are willing to grow with us.❤

No sleeping hosts on stage.❤Some people don't talk much but we just want don't want hosts sleeping on the stage for alot of time. We like them to be interactive! And yes interacting a bit more then gestures. Gestures are awesome but no big gesture spams.

Awesome staff willing to work as a team!❤

Training:  Yes, as i said in " what you would get " section, if you wish to learn how to Dj or host we are here for you👍 We will walk you through anything you need to know to Dj or host. 💚Club Know Where is a great place to start! 

Important :

This club is drama free. We are all like family. Any club related problem that happen just contact the hosts and they would let the managers in duty know.

Full  nudity is not accepted in this club.



Host application:


Dj application:


Interested in being part of our crazy family or have any questions!? Contact me: Manager: StaxQueen or Owners: Devlin / Jaded Alter in world or leave a reply here and i will get back to you as soon as possible!❤❤❤❤





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