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Some new Parcels - 2048sqm - up to 8192sqm - at Egon's Estate

Egon Takeda

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Some new Parcels - 2048sqm - up to 8192sqm  on a adult rated Region

hello please check our new offers: 

on each rental: 

- full owner rights

- commercial or residential

No "Prim Cheat"  Egon's Estate does not cheat you with the "Object Bonus Factor"!  Our Prims are related to the REAL capacity of a simulator!  = it stays Lagfree!

2048 sqm - 625 prims  - Sim Beach Corner

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kata Bay/13/224/22

only 640/w 

4096 sqm - 1250 prims 

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kata Bay/90/164/22

only 1240/w 


8192 sqm - 2500 prims 

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mahogany Bay/49/221/22

only 2490/w


2490 - 8192sqm 2500prim - achtelRegion_001.jpg

The Bonus Factor Trick.png

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