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VAXXNATION - Hiring DJ & Hosts

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☣  WHAT:  Hiring for Host and DJ's 
☣  WHERE:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/White Beaches/37/226/35
☣  WHEN: Now come on down and fill out an application 
☣  18+ 
☣  Keep 100% of your tips
☣  Please contact: 
☣  Kitten (Mrskillian) Owner
☣  ηιgнтωðĿƒ Killian (mrnightryder) DJ Manager
☣  Havoc Bones (Killianmelissa) Host Manager
☣  Please fill out an application online:
☣  Act fast we have some prime time slots ready for you

Edited by MrNightRyder
changed url to work
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