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Napoli Estates Now Open with Move-in Special!


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Let us welcome you home to Napoli Estates with our move - in special: Rent two weeks, get one free! Just added: One new full sim with more dock rentals and residences soon to come!!  Looking for a lovely single family home with at least 450 prims?  Come see one of our hamptons homes at 15 Naples Way!  Only a few left and they are going fast, so don't miss out! Visit 14 Naples Way in Second Life!




 Established in 2016, Napoli Estates is family owned and operated with the goal of providing a happy and fun environment for all our residents. We are a small, growing estate that offers low prim residential rentals beginning at 75 prims and up in a relaxing and quiet tropical oasis. We also offer dock rental boasting access all the way to the Blake Sea! Fly the mainland from Napoli Estates Airfield!

 Join our yacht club, N'EYC, for social mixers, planned parties, events and boating safety classes for both our members and the community at large! 


Contact Jericho Napoli (nightdr) for any questions, to schedule a tour or to take advantage of our move in special! Visit our website at http://napoliestatessl.com/available-rentals for a list of available rentals in live-time!  

See us on the SL Enquirer's front page: http://www.slenquirer.com/2016/07/for-immediate-release-now-open-rent-two.html.

Come visit us inworld to check out our beautifully designed and landscaped properties - Oceanviews, sunrise and sunset views available! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shala/105/78/24.  



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