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New SL Blog and Blog List

Fawn Huet

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I just started a new SL blog about topics of interest in SL and plan to add places to explore soon. It's mostly my opinon and observations at this point. If anyone would like to check it out and offer constructive suggestions or comments here or on my blog, I'd appreciate it. Be nice, I've never done this before :) I've been on SL a while and have a lot to say about it as I'm sure  many of you do. 

Is there a place here or somewhere else that lists other SL blogs? I did a forum search, but couldn't find anything.  I'd like to link to other good blogs on my blog. If you have designed a sim and would like me to feature it, feel free to IM me inworld. Inworld, I'm Fawn Huet in search but have changed to Faith Huet...confusing huh lol?


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In the SL sailing community we have our own Tumblr, called SL Boatporn, on which I reblog all my blogposts about sailing. It really helped me multiplying my readership. Apart from that I'm also in the aggravator list but can't really say if that helped in any way. And although I'm not into social networks at all I also integrated all that Google+ stuff eventhough I don't have the foggiest idea what it does. And, oh yes, I keep a blogroll in my sidebar in which I keep a list of my favourite blogs. It serves as my daily reading list as well.


General tips:

- post many many photos! If in doubt about your post, just add more photos. :smileyhappy: Images have generally a greater impact on people than just plain text.

- don't expect your blog to become  the world-changing bible. Nobody expects you to come up with another communist manifest or a new relativity theory. Stick to stuff you know, even if your field of expertise is rather limited. Nobody wants to read a blog about stuff where the writer has less of a clue than the reader.

- have a comment section and  make it easy for readers to leave feedback.

- post often! I try to do at least one post/day. It's easier than you think if you keep your eyes open in world. Fortunately we all have our cameras with us all the time for a quick snapshot. Some times I have a snapshot on my desktop for days and then suddenly I have an idea for a text to go with it. Voila, one more post. :smileyvery-happy:

- keep your blogs short! People, particularly SL resis, these days have a terribly short attention span. So try to not write a novel in each post but keep words to an acceptable mimimum. That's pretty easy for me since I'm writing my blog in English, a language of which I only have a rather limited vocabulary. :smileyhappy:

- be opinionated! We have tooo many HOO! WEE! always positive yaysayers in SL as it is. You don't need to add one more voice to the choir. Dare to be your own person, dare to criticise, dare to rip stuff and ppl apart, dare to be the friction in the gear. Be prepared to meet opposition, aggression, hostilities. Dare to make enemies. As long as you can reason your opinion it won't be half bad. :matte-motes-evil: In other words: always be yourself, coquette with your own shortcomings and stupidities. As a worthwile blogger you just gotta be an entertainer, not a  super hero.

- DON'T do a fashion blog! Please please please, I beg you. :smileysad: We have more than enough fashionista bloggeristas in SL, and the  quality of some is so unbelievably subterranean one could think they use their blogs only as a front to get cool new stuff from the designers. Of course there are some remarkable exceptions, fashion booggers who spice up their blogs with cool and intelligent words, but they are only a few.

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Whoohoo, ahoy sailor! :matte-motes-nerdy:

I live on the other side of Nautilus, in Triumphal ... although, no wait, I don't actually live anywhere and gave up on owning land a couple weeks ago. But Triumphal is my port of call since I'm the High Cheese of the Triumphal Yacht Club. I never was into making a home for myself in SL and always used my lands for other stuff, had my OrCafé and Gallery and a motorcycle repair shop and am busy with another non-sailing thingie on a parcel on Heterocera right now.


EDIT: just added your blog to my list

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