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Menu Color Changer Script Please Help

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I recently purchased  a Menu Color Changer Script and need to link different prims to the script so that only they will change with the menu instead of having to put a script in each prim or the root prim which will change ALL prims.


if (index != -1) {
vector color_vector = llList2Vector(sub_menu, index+1);
if (llGetLinkNumber() == 1) llSetLinkColor(LINK_SET, color_vector, ALL_SIDES); //If it's root prim, do whole set
else llSetColor(color_vector, ALL_SIDES); //otherwise, just do that prim


Example: I want prim 3, 4, and 9 to work together with the menu so they will all change at the same time to what ever color the owner chooses. With what I have here I would have to put it in each of those prims and they would have to click and choose for those prims.  PLEASE HELP! 


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list primsToColor = [3,4,9];  // list containing the prim numbers you want to colorif (index != -1) {   vector color_vector = llList2Vector(sub_menu, index+1);   if (llGetLinkNumber() == 1) llSetLinkColor(LINK_SET, color_vector, ALL_SIDES); //If it's root prim, do whole set   else {      integer i;      for(i=0; i < llGetListLength(primsToColor); i++)         llSetLinkColor(llList2Integer(primsToColor,i),color_vector, ALL_SIDES); //otherwise, do prims in list   }   .   .   .}

 I think that should do it for you.


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Tried that and it gave me a synax error and then completely stopped working.  Here is the full script.  What I need to be able to do is on a 7 prim piece is select 2 or 3 prims that will change when the pop up menu comes up. As the script is written it is either put in the root prim and change EVERYTHING or put a script in each individual piece that I want the next customer to be able to change the colour on. I would also like the customer to be able to try it out before they buy it but it says "owner" on it. I am not fluent on script (i do not know how they work, how to read them or anything) so please if you can "dumb" it down for me. I am totally new at this. Thank you.


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Okay.  This isn't a complete script.  There aren't any defined values for the sub_menu list, and you moved the code you asked to be altered outside of any events.  And the whole set of values for reds,pinks,violets,dk_blues,lt_blues,etc.....are never defined anywhere.  This wouldn't have worked before the changes I suggested.


If you need a custom color-changer script, just let me know, I'll be happy to code one up for your particular purposes (complete with full comments for learning purposes) for a reasonable fee.  It would take less than an hour to write it up, so I can be flexible on cost.



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Desiring to modify scripts by coming here to try to find someone to do it for you is misusing the purpose of the forums. If you are unwilling or unable to learn LSL and require the assistance of a scripter, please use the Wanted or Inworld Employment forums to do so.


Thank you.

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I was asking for help on the issue since I am totally new on this.  Hence what I wrote in a previous post. " I am not fluent on script (i do not know how they work, how to read them or anything) so please if you can "dumb" it down for me. I am totally new at this." If someone was willing to walk me through it so I could learn I would love that. I do not need someone to come on here and put me down saying that I am not willing to learn.


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I want to give a big huge THANK YOU to Helium Loon for helping me with this script and walking me through on how to do it.  If it wasn't for the niceness of some people on here, willing to help a NOOB at building and how scripts work, no one would ever learn anything.  THANK YOU Helium Loon for all your help and patience.  It is greatly appreciated.

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Domiana Pearl wrote:

I was asking for help on the issue since I am totally new on this.  Hence what I wrote in a previous post. "
 I am not fluent on script (i do not know how they work, how to read them or anything) so please if you can "dumb" it down for me. I am totally new at this." If someone was willing to walk me through it so I could learn I would love that. I do not need someone to come on here and put me down saying that I am not willing to learn.


A willingness to learn is so much better!


Start here - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial . Come back with specific questions when you get stuck on something.


[ETA: In case anyone wonders, the script in question is http://pastebin.com/MVebCpiH .]

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