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Seeking Quality Animators

nero Boa

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Hi, I'm looking for animators that know what they are doing and take custom jobs.

Paid work of course.  Although eventually friends I can trade services with is not out of the question for me for my own things.  Although not expected or needed.

I'm a scriptor mainly and web designer who also builds custom apps and offers hosting when needed, I do all kinds of projects for people in SL and make things to sell, or for myself when I have time to and really want something no one else has.

I can and have made good animations in the past but loath doing it and frankly believe there are others much better at it that can do it quicker with quality.  When I'm forced to make them for myself takes me so much more time than it should.  Is the one thing I would rather use other people for when needed.  Although there are other scriptors, builders/modelers, and even a audio tech I can work with,   I have no animators in my contacts that are still in SL and active to collaborate with.  I would like to remedy this and find people I can work with and recommend to others I know when asked if I know of some.

Want to stress I would like to use people that do good work and are somewhat serious about it.  In most cases is for clients and I will only act  to connect you to the client,  you can charge what ever you want with in reason and the deal you strike is between you and them,  I only act as lead on the projects construction.  At present have a friend that needs a animator refered to him for a personal project and is not concerned with price as much as quality, and am working on something just for myself I have no intentions on selling that will require some animations but is still in the works as I've quite a bit of mesh and scripting to do first.  This thing is just for me so my clients work comes first, when I'll actually need them is unknown but the time will come.  My current clients project does not require any animation.

I do deal with quite a bit of projects in SL and when animations are needed have required my clients to find their own animators...........I've found this counter productive as they have before gotten someone totally half ass about it and waists my time waiting to get corrected animations when they are rotated on the wrong axis as in a standing animation is floating parellel to the ground, actually happened.  Or the quality is just not present and deminishes the project as a whole.  Either way has on a few occasions has been frustrating and would like to be able to do things more efficiently with the best results I can get.

If you do freelance animation and want to be offered some work when I have it contact me in world, I'm logged in quite a bit and this is my main AV.  If I'm not just send me a quick notecard so I'm sure to get it.  My IM's get capped sometimes when I'm not in for more than eight hours.

I look forward to talking to you, seeing a example of your work, and thank you all for reading this.

nero Boa

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