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Full Region(s) for sale - Full Transfer

Lessor DreamSeeker

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Thank you everyone - this offer is no longer available.


We're offering one (1) full region(s) for full transfer. The cost is US $150 (transfer fee) plus US $10 per day of remaining tier transferred through Linden Lab. These regions are next due on November 1st. These are limited supply regions, first come first serve.


Regarding the cost of purchase:

For example, if you were to purchase one today (October 24th):

US $150 with 7 days of tier remaining (US$70) = US$ 220.

You can read more about how transfers of private regions take place by reviewing http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-Private-Regions/ta-p/700115#Secti...


The transfer fee includes a free rename and a move.

Please contact me in-world for more information or to setup on transfering a region into your name.
1st region sold. - Thank you
2nd, 3rd, & 4th region sold. - Thank you
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