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Pacifique - come visit the Halloween village

Eclair Martinek

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October 1 - November 3, Pacifique Halloween 2012 - a full sim-size wonderful "village" with 2 cemetaries, 2 haunted houses, haunted mansion, gazebo, arena and castle ruins.  A broom rezzer is available for riding and a couple walker rezzer for staying close to each other.  Come for the moment and stay for the night.  boo!   Below is the sim Pacifique - This is where you come after you met someone somewhere else!  Great date place.  A place to play.  Singles, couples & groups- No Rules-No dress code-all are welcome.  Half tropical beach & half jungle forest.  Beach Club, Pirate Cove & Jazz E.  Hot air balloon tour.  Boats, bicycles, hang gliding, & segway to get around the sim.  Play Greedy in the Beach Club,  So many places to sit & chill, hang out w/friends or cuddle with someone special (with many romantic & adult poses)   The Tinies & Petites forest. For mermaid and ocean lovers - 3 reefs  underwater caves, scuba diving!!   Pacifique:  Ambiance created for you to make your magic.  Pacifique Youtube videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/EclairMartinek?feature=mhee

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