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Looking for a fun, interactice sport in SL??? Roller Derby is Here!!!

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Second Life Roller Derby Association (SLRDA) is proud to announce open recruitment for the upsoming season!!



                  Wondering what roller derby is? Roller Derby is predominantly a female sport where two teams of five girls on roller skates battle for points on the track with the aggression of hockey minus the padding.  In SL, Roller Derby is a face paced hud based sport that allows for in world gaming at its' best.

                Psych0 Starship, creator of  Roller Derby in SL has not only brought all the RL action and Lifestyle of Womens Roller Derby to SL. But what he has also done is create a community.  The Derby Girls of SLRDA come from all walks of life and experience levels that meet on the track to battle it out.

         So if you're looking for a strong community and a whole lot of fun come and check out SLRDA. Recruiting is currently underway for the upcoming '12 season.  Stop into  SLRDA Head Quarters or Contact MizDeMeanor Morpork, Heaven Evensong or Darling Scribe in world and ask about how you can join the SLRDA Family. 

team leather1.png   PunkDisco_PromoOK.jpg  slrda promo try1.jpg

   ^Team Leather from                         The Punk v. Disco                     Current Teams in SLRDA!!!

 The Leather & Lace Mashup                      Mashup                        

SLRDA gets noticed outside the grid!!

*featured in SL's Showcase

*Pandora's Blog on SLRDA

How to contact SLRDA:

Email ---->>> mys.l.r.d.a1@gmail.com  

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