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  1. Hi everyone! I'm getting back into SL after having been gone for a long time, many of my friends are gone. I'd love to have a few people I can hang out with and do whatever, like partying, exploring, blogging, etc... I had to stop blogging for studies and others so I'll start over with my work again, also I have worked as a host so if someone works or wants to work we can search together. I'm spanish, but I speak english and spanish so it's not a problem If you're interested in hanging out or just chatting, feel free to add and message me ɱίɴɴίε Șλɴτλɴλ ßιλϓιΘȻκ minnie1999 resident
  2. Hii , my name is Minnie I'm not new in SL but I have been off SL a while so my friends don't come online often, I would like to meet new people with the same interests. I'm blogger and host, I love fashion, languagues and photography. I speak Spanish but English too so anyone can talk to me. I'm very friendly don't be shy, if you like to meet me contact me in-world :D : ɱίɴɴίε Șλɴτλɴλ ßιλϓιΘȻκ (minnie1999)
  3. Hello, I have a problem when I try to save large pictures with shadows enabled, the button save not appears, why? 
  4. Hola, tengo un problema, cuando intento guardar fotos de grandes dimensiones con las sombras activadas, no me aparece el boton guardar, ¿ por qué?
  5. I tried and I waited 19 minutes, stays in "loading world"
  6. Okay, here's my pc specs : Second Life 3.7.13 (292225) Jul 22 2014 00:31:11 (Second Life Release) Notas de la versión CPU: AMD A4-4300M APU with Radeon HD Graphics (2495.3 MHz) Memory: 5603 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit (Build 9600) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7420G Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1280 OpenGL Version: 4.2.12874 Compatibility Profile Context libcurl Version: libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Built with MSVC version 1600 And my connection : Ping : 15 ms Download speed : 0.87Mbps Upload speed : 0.93 Mbps P.D: Thank you for taking your time to read me and give me help them to find the solution.
  7. Hello! I have some problems with viewers when I'm trying to log on do not see anything nor my avatar, I'm angry, because I need to get in I'm angry, because I need to get in, For weeks I can not see anything now I'm trying to get but nothing http://gyazo.com/e3848c494f2c06cf020bfa254d7cba21 Stays in "loading world" and does not enter, please I need help asap, thanks in advance.
  8. Es mejor que lo ignores.... no sabe que decir.
  9. .............. ¿Alguien puede ayudarme con el visor? No me va ninguno
  10. Supongo que te referiras a que insinuas que uso un visor de copy o algo, bueno la verdad es que no los uso . Primero no sabía que tenia que poner imagen completa, solo hice captura de como se me veia Segundo no tengo ningún problema en hacerla completa Y tercera quien se pica, ajos come P.D.: Aqui lo tienes : http://gyazo.com/108e62ba57f8ce32370331d0b30612df
  11. Esa es la versión que tengo, he probado entrando con otro avi y si veo
  12. Hola, de nuevo tengo un problema, cuando entro a SL (he probado con mas visores y me pasa lo mismo) y ya estoy desesperada para que me ayuden me sale esto: http://gyazo.com/148de8314c6db0d3b0ab2c37c5ead116 y ahi se queda no veo nada ni me sale la gente conectada ni nada Por favor necesito ayuda, gracias de antemano
  13. Estoy usando Singularity Viewer 1.8.5(5617) Setup 64-bit
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