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Keanna Spyker

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  1. Hi there, I was thinking about creating my own RP HUD for me and my friends-- This isn't use for a sim or anything. I'm curious about it as a project. I'm comfortable learning scripting (I understand some python and some MEL) and want to know where I would start looking for making some elements of the HUD. Some things I would like to include: - Base stats like DND or other TTRPG settings - Target select to compare for combat/skills - Weapons or Items that modify those stats - Weapons or Items that modify with a countdown - Delete on Use Items - Choose between collision combat or dice mode - Freeze, bump, or move AVs based on the collision/skill used - Announce of results in chat Could anyone provide advice on the sorts of topics I should be learning to accomplish these things? (Thank you kindly in advanced!)
  2. I used to be able to check the last login for my friends list using the Groups information, but it seems like that's not recorded anymore. Is there another way of double checking the last time an account was logged into?
  3. I cannot even begin to tell you how useful that workflow you have given me really, truely is to me. I wish I had known that earlier in my working, because it would have saved me lots and lots of headache and worry! Did I mention I (platonically) love you? I've been doing mostly this, but I've been afraid to work high than 25k in my base model-- I normally haven't been making the lower subdivision levels, but I see that they're used for LOD now. Wow, that takes a good bit of worry off my shoulders! I've mainly been working around the model, just moving, smoothing, remesh and dynamesh to force the tips away. Those cutting techniques are really going to help me. I haven't tried them yet, but I already know how I'm going to usse them!
  4. The picture isn't really showing the model well because of the texture-- this is what the model looks like currently, as I've tried fixing the hair tip problems, using Dynamesh and zRemesher while trying to maintain the sculpted detail.
  5. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: The land impact is not bad. 36 or 18 is decent. If you look at normal prim hair they can be upwards to 250 prims. So a 36 or 18 is fine. You are doing great to keep below the normal prim amount. Land impact should be somewhat equivelent to prim count. .... When you upload mesh. Sl converts your quads to tris. But modeling with quads are usually best. Wouldn't the lag from having an object that LI be problematic? The original hair at 36 LI was 11k verts, so I was thinking that minimizing it was the best option. I've been told that a really well sculpted avatar can easily be done in under 10, so I couldn't imagine why a hair should be higher, if lag was going to be an issue? Please correct me on this if I'm off. I guess I don't understand the weighting well enough. Thanks for the advice on the quads and triangles! That takes a bit of worry off my mind. Rahkis Andel wrote: Honestly, I wouldn't sculpt that kind of hair. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen sculpted hair that looked good, except in the case of stylized cartoon characters where it doesn't need to be realistic. The very nature of using brushes gives a clay-like quality that just doesn't suit the shape of natural hair. If you're going for an anime look, fine -- I've seen that done well -- but realize that those cases involved really talented and experienced people. Besides, for a ponytail, I'd probably reccomend not using mesh (at least not for the tail-end), since a flexi-prim would probably give more desireable results. Also, if you're using 4r6, you should have access to zRemesher. That replaced qRemesher, so far as I'm aware and is much better. Even those experienced and talented people started somewhere- I'd like to think for only having worked in Zbrush for a few weeks now, I'm not doing too poorly. Obviously, the more I work on my meshes, the better they become. As for the ponytail, I'd like it meshed because I'm going to rig it to the body for a litte movement. I personally don't like the movement of flexi prims- they all move like sheer fabric. As time goes on, I'll play with rigging, and I'll be happy with the movement I find. I've just started messing with a combo of zRemesher and Dynamesh** (correction from previous post). The combination seems to be doing really, really well for me. Thank you for the suggestion! As a side, I was curious if anyone had also found a way to move the "seam" of a UV texture? Is there a way to move it, or do I just have to be mindful of it when sculpting?
  6. Hello everybody! I'm working on learning how to sculpt mesh hair in Zbrush (4r6) via this forum, youtube, and tutorials that I can find. I don't have a background in AD modeling, but I do have a bit in clamoring, so forming the mesh isn't generally problematic. Generally. :| I'm running into a few issues, and I was hoping that someone might be able to help me? Here's my problems: - I've been using Dynamism and Decimation Master for lessening the amount of active points. o= I don't know how much a normal SL hair is suppoed to be vertex wise?? When I first imported it, it was land impact was 36 (or 11k polys); now, I've uploaded it at land impact 18 (5k polys). o= When I get to the tips of my hair, they turn into flat, panel like shapes, and I can't inflate them. Is there a way to trim off verts that I don't want, without creating a hole? o= I was reading (I don't remember where) that when you do modeling for SSL, don't do anything that adds triangles. Apparently my hair mesh has triangles. Is there a way to convert it? Here is an image of the mesh (the 11k version), sized and attached (not rigged) on a dummy avatar. I applied a basic hair texture to it, as I'm currently reading up on polygroups and uv unwrapping for faces. (The current mesh is currently one face?) If you have any tips or tricks, please feel free to post them. There is next to NOTHING specifically for modeling hair- it's all on the general character.
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