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Peabody Larsson

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  1. You are correct; I forgot about that. Of course, now I don't remember what I may have been missing, as I have deleted the email notifications as well. C'est la vie! Pea
  2. According to emails sent me by the system, I had several "midnight Mania" items awaiting my logon. When I attempted to logon, the system informed me that the Region was being shut down (or in a reboot--I forget the technical term Linden uses). A half-hour later, when I was able to logon, there were NO messages and NO inventory offers.  Bear in mind that if I logon more than 2 or 3 hours apart, there are ALWAYS messages for me. My question is, have I lost those "midnight mania" objects I had otherwise earned?  If not, how do I claim them? Pea
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