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LilyMai Faith

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  1. Thank you both, going to have a go today. Fingers crossed!
  2. Hi Can someone please help me, I am wanting to create a type of rental where when the owner clicks they get one menu, when the person who has paid rent will get another menu, then a final menu for non-owner/renters. So far I have it working so far where I can get the menu to show for the owner and one for the renters but as soon as I try to add the last one (the menu that will show for none renters/owners it messes up the rest.) Below is roughly what I am trying to work with. (Please note I am only a novice script so any help will be appreciated!!) touch_start(integer number_detected) { key aviKey = llDetectedKey(0); if (aviKey == OwnerKey) { LoadTime = LOAD_TIMER; MenuList = [Info, Reset, Exit]; llDialog(OwnerKey, getDialogString(aviKey), MenuList, setChannel()); } else if (aviKey == RenterKey) { LoadTime = LOAD_TIMER; MenuList = [GeneralInfo, RentalInfo, Exit, Help]; llDialog(RenterKey, getDialogString(aviKey), MenuList, setChannel()); } else LoadTime = LOAD_TIMER; MenuList = [Remaining, Rentaltime, MessageSupport, Exit]; llDialog(aviKey, getDialogString(aviKey), MenuList, setChannel());
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