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Grathum Seriman

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  1. You are so right :0) To apply some logic...L$250,000 Lindens is somewhere around $960. Why in the world would I pay you $960 dollars when I could setup an entire private island that will have all the features you list and more for only $600? So no...I most certainly would not pay you 250K and I don't know why anyone else would either. :0)
  2. I also prefer the SIM to be tagged "moderate." Thanks >G<
  3. I am looking for a full-SIM on the mainland. If there is someone that is tired of paying their tier please contact me. I will pay between $0.4 to $1L per SQM depending on the topography of the SIM. Serious sellers only. I will never pay more than $1L per SQM so no offers above this need bother. Looking to take over May 1st or so. Thank you >G<
  4. Beach land for sale with plenty of ocean space for unblockable views! Check it out! 11,504m for only L$1.3 per meter!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Coverdale/85/166/23
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