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bestmomo Lagan

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  1. Hello, I dont use a https link, just casual http one.
  2. Hello, I use Laravel Http client to send a request to Second Life with an object in which I set an Http server. When I test a simple GET url on a browser all is OK, idem when I use a POST request with a REST app. But when I use Laravel Http Client (with simple Http:get(...)) I get this issue: Illuminate\Http\Client\ConnectionException cURL error 7: Failed to connect to simhost-016abbfc19377d6a6.agni.secondlife.io port 12046: Connection refused (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for http://simhost-016abbfc19377d6a6.agni.secondlife.io:12046/cap/49561c34-45f8-1f86-bf4e-292749a80acc When I check request I get this : Illuminate\Http\Client\Request {#1269 ▼ #request: GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request {#1260 ▼ -method: "GET" -requestTarget: null -uri: GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri {#1255 ▼ -scheme: "http" -userInfo: "" -host: "simhost-016abbfc19377d6a6.agni.secondlife.io" -port: 12046 -path: "/cap/49561c34-45f8-1f86-bf4e-292749a80acc" -query: "" -fragment: "" -composedComponents: null } -headers: array:2 [▼ "User-Agent" => array:1 [▼ 0 => "GuzzleHttp/7" ] "Host" => array:1 [▼ 0 => "simhost-016abbfc19377d6a6.agni.secondlife.io:12046" ] ] -headerNames: array:2 [▼ "user-agent" => "User-Agent" "host" => "Host" ] -protocol: "1.1" -stream: GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream {#1259 ▼ -stream: stream resource @559 ▼ wrapper_type: "PHP" stream_type: "TEMP" mode: "w+b" unread_bytes: 0 seekable: true uri: "php://temp" options: [] } -size: 0 -seekable: true -readable: true -writable: true -uri: "php://temp" -customMetadata: [] } } #data: [] } I dont understand why I have this cURL error. If someone has an idea... Thanks
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