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Orenda Tigerpaw

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Posts posted by Orenda Tigerpaw

  1. A friend of mine who was a sim owner passed on for years ago. It took labs a year and a half to close his sim. I don't know if his family was able to claim his bank account or other method payment to stop the auto payments, or if those methods were able to be frozen, or if the sim payments just bled his account dry or ran up a bunch of credit, or if labs let it sit there that long before finally closing his account, but they were aware of his passing as we reported several times inquiring how we could purchase or claim the sim to keep it open. It is real estates and only proof of inheritance can hand over the property. I know of one other instance where someone was finally allowed to take over an account when her buisness partner passed on. It is a moderately large business in SL.

  2. Has this problem been resolved?

    I sell horses on MP for a friend of mine, she gets 100% of the sales. I haven't seen any pass through payments on my Transaction history, and our first tests showed pass throughs. I could see the money coming to my account from marketplace and immediately paying over to her.

    I just talked to her and she did get money, she had no idea where it was coming from then, ha ha ha (its raining $L). I'll have her spot check tomorrow if the payments are showing in her transactions.

    Is Transaction History supposed to show pass through payments from MP?

  3. It is the 30th of July and I have just discovered I can't give mod rights to my alts. I can remove the rights but can't grant them back. Same behavior as you have when attempting to give. The only way to unfreeze is to relog or choose "no". I hope they fix it soon, I've been searching Jira for this complaint but can't find it there. Does Labs know about it? It looks like the bug has been there for almost a month now.

    I also can't view profiles in V2. I think I have to enable to accept cookies from sites, but I have always kept this feature off. I dun like cookies from sites I don't know. Sooo, I guess I won't be using V2 to grant rights to my alts by looking up their profiles. Back to V 1.2.3. Was a nice brief visit.


    Okay, cool! Not a bad move making the web based profile and chat with your friends. I can understand the bug now, lots of programming stuff going on. Nice to be able to do some tasks without logging into SL and get stuck esplaining to contacts you have to log out and just came on to do something quick! I hope you can look up peeps on your friends list in the future. I had to make my alts log in and post a dot so I could get their profiles.

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