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Petteri Yiyuan

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Posts posted by Petteri Yiyuan

  1. Yes. Actually i found this option and your viewer by accident as i was checking what is Second Life status currently with OculusRIft (I plan to get DK2 version when they start to ship them again estimated July 2014). However as i was reading documents about CtrlAltStudio-viewer i quickly rushed to charge my Nvidia 3D classes and check SL. 

    I can say Second Life looked as great as any other game when viewed through 3D glasses. There are naturally limitations, one is monitor and screen size (Oculus Rift will remove that) but what I and i belive many others have found problem currently with Second Life viewer is when you are viewing world in Mouselook (1st person mode) 

    Manipulatiing objects and using of them (sitting etc) is not possible in 1st person mode and i think this should be somehow solved. I am certain LL must have also recognised this limitation in UI. Ofcourse it is always possible to pop into 3rd person mode but it will break immersion expecially with Oculus Rift. 

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