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Nio Skytower

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Posts posted by Nio Skytower

  1. I just purchased the Skidz Prims. And I’m getting a scripting debug error and I cannot see any pins in Snap or other modes. Does anyone have the same problems or know how to fix it? I messaged for help, but haven’t received a reply.

  2. Please don't insult me and tell me I do not make sense. And if you can afford a super computer, great for you. Not everyone has the money these days to spend on that. I'm just saying, can't we all enjoy secondlife, you with your awesome computer and me with my older one. So the verdict is you get to stay in the game and I must leave it, because we have different computers with different operating systems.......is that fair?

  3. Does  Anyone Have The Same Probelm? I Have Two Older Mac Computers That Cannot Support The Hefty Graphics and I'm Happy Using Older Viewers to Log In, But Now I Get These Required Updates, That I Cannot Use. Now I Cannot Even Log In After All Of These Years. Is Linden Labs Wanting to Make People Leave the Game After So Many Years, By Forcing These Mandatory Viewer Updates? Why Can't We Enjoy It on Every Computer and At Our Own Pace? I Don't Need Fancy Graphics to Enjoy My Experience.

    I Tried 3rd Party Viewers and They Are Not Supported Either. Does Anyone Have Any Suggestions?


  4. I have a question about door sounds. If I'am building a door and using a free full perm door script with sound, how can I be able to add my own sound or can I? Some of the doors, I wish them to have a specific sound, so is that possible? I do not know how to make my own scripts, so I wish to use an existing script in my own build, but want to add my own sounds to it, as well.


  5. I also have a question about door sounds. If I'am building a door and using a free full perm door script with sound, how can I be able to add my own sound or can I? Some of the doors, I wish them to have a specific sound, so is that possible?


  6. Maddy, Thanks. I think I grasp it now! The answer was really there the whole time. I tried another sample and was able to scale it down smaller this way. I just have to work on teaking the seamless part of the texture, because as it got smaller there were lines visable.

  7. Yes, I did try to tile it, but this is all new to me. I did manage to make seamless floor tiles. What do you mean by up the repeats? Is this in Photoshop or editing the prim? It just always looks Magnified in SL, as if I was I were looking at it in RL. I'm just not understanding how to scale it right, so it looks realistic in scale to SL View. That's my dilemma.

  8. Hi. No, I'am trying to texture just a prim for something I want to build, but I want the texture to look sandlike, sort of like a sand castle or something to that effect. And everytime I upload a texture and map it, it always looks way to large like in RL and I cannot seem to get it to scale so it looks realistic in SL. I guess I just have a mental block and I'm just not getting it for some reason.

  9. Thank You very much Maddy, for the great advice! I will try it again. My texture is a single door on a transparency. How come when you buy a door texture, it seems to be repeated, so you can move it from side to side or up and down, but I cannot do that with mine?

  10. How are door textures Made? I see the image repeated in a texture, but can't they also just be a single image also? I'm trying to build my own, but my image doesn't have that wrap around that the multiple image textures do. Mine is a single image and it looks funny on the edges.
  11. Thank you I will try. For some reason I'm just stuck on this. I'm trying to create my own texture that should be fine enough to almost look like sand, but every size I upload always seams to come out the same and the image is just to large and it does not look realistic.

  12. What size does a "Sand Texture" have to be, in order for it to look like real sand in second life? I tried 1024x1024 and 512x512 and it always looks way to large in second life and not realistic like it should be.

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