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Jenni Lefevre

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Posts posted by Jenni Lefevre

  1. 1.  Especially with Mesh clothing, I want Demos to try first.   I've spent almost 4 years going through man, many permutations to get exactly the look I want for my Avi.  And I don't have some odd shape that's ridiculously over  developed on the top or bottom, or 7 feet tall.   I'm not about to change any of it to fit some creators idea of what my shape should look like.  No one clothing, at any price look that good.

    2.  More clothing, particularly skirts and dresses, that use a combination of regular clothing layers and mesh panels vs prim panels for the skirt.   I've only found one creator that does this so far.  It work well and gives the best look and fit for any Avi shape. 

    3.  Better resize scripts.   I've only found 2 creators that use a resize script which allow you to resize on the x,y,z axis individually.  All other resize scripts increase or decrease size either for each individual part/prim or of the entire item as a whole.  And the item should be copy so I can make a back up and remove the resize script easily once I'm done.

    The creators that already do these thing get all my business, and my recommendations to friends of where to shop.   The rest I avoid like the plague and will never recommend.

  2. It also extends to flying Military Aircraft in the Blake Sea Area.   Many of the people flying military aircraft or sailing military ships are veterans themselves.   This amounts to nothing less than a display of Anti-military Bigotry that is at least tacitly supported by SL/LL.   I have had encounters a few times myself while operating my Aircraft Carrier.  Sail boat drivers complain they have the right of way.  Learn the law of the sea jerks, a Man of War, or any vessel launching or recovering aircraft,  is a vessels with resticted movement  and therefore always has the right of way.

    If you encounter this, and you are not one of the bigots, contact the makers of military ships and aircraft and encourage them to band together and apply pressure, citing loss of sales and therefore loss of revenue to SL/LL.

    Maybe their minor streak of capitalism will have sway over their naturally occurring San Francisco liberal  hatred of anything military.  If not maybe a little well placed bad PR in out world blogs about their hatred of all things military and of Military Veterans might turn the tide.

    I plan to continue to fly my jets, from my airstrip on a private sim abutting the Blake sea, low and at high speed over  public lands and conduct Air Operations from my Carrier in public waterways anytime and anywhere I damn well please.  


  3. I'm not having problems with prim planes or boats.   But for almost 3 weeks there has been a problem with anything mesh when flying or sailing in the Blake Sea/USS areas.

    Ever since the beginning of "The Week from Hell" (slowly turning into the month from hell), when LL started upgrading servers, MANY sims have been running older versions of the system and will not accept mesh objects at border crossings.

    So if you are flying or sailing in prim vehicles and cross a border wearing prim clothing, don't be surprised if you reach your destination and hop out finding yourself nakies.

    Great job LL.  Push mesh and then screw things up so it won't work in some of the most heavily traveled sims in-world.

    How about getting the old project right before you start something new for a change.


  4. No rpblems with latest Firestrom, but for the past week or so I run into a lot of sims that strip my mesh objects off.  

    Also been having a problem sailing.  I keep slamming against a sim border and freezing.   Then I get a message in Local to the effect that the sim I am trying to enter is running and older version and won't accept the passage.

  5. The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe -- the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.

    We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans -- born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

    Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

    This much we pledge -- and more.

    ~John F. Kennedy~


  6. Someone already makes skirts like that.   and honestly it works and looks much better than any of the fully mesh skirts i've tried.    no annoying alpha layer to wear that makes me change my shoes either.  wish more creators would go this route.

  7. I know from having to call billing support, that is handled through an office in Virginia.    Thought LL does list numbers in several European countries and Japan.

    Local Toll-Free numbers
    • France: 0805.101.490
    • Germany: 0800.664.5510
    • Japan: 0066.33.132.830
    • Portugal: 800.814.450
    • Spain: 800.300.560
    • UK: 0800.048.4646
    • Support is in English Only

    Whether this means they actual have offices in these countries or not is unclear, especially since the last line in the listing says support is available in English only.

    Fortunately, living in the US, this is something I do not have to deal with, yet.   Give it time though and I'm sure we will.   And with my country's propensity to double and triple tax everything, who knows how that will effect all of us.

  8. I had this happen to me on several occassions.   Everyone one had different things to try and none of them seemed to work.

    I finally logged in on a different viewer and it cleared up.   Then, The simple solution for me was to take everything off but my

    shape, eyes, skin, hair and a t-shirt and a pair of shorts.   No AO, nothing but just the the absolute bare minimum.  

    Then I went into edit apperance and saved the outfit asEmergency Reload.   Since then, anytime this has happened I  wait a

    few minutes then drag that folder out of outfits on to my av.   It works like a charm and I can then add all my normal junk and

    be on my way.

    Hope you got the problem solved and you might want to give this a try for the future.

  9. I've sort of gone through the same metamorphosis.   When I first joined SL I was on about 5 or 6 hours a day minimum.   But my RL has changed drastically in the past 3 years.    Now I drop in once or twice a week for maybe an hour per visit to hang out with friends if they're on.    

    I still keep in contact with most of them through email or texting.   And once in a while we'll arrange a party in SL to get together.  I still enjoy  it and all, but for the most part I'm just too busy working and going to classes to devote much time to SL anymore.

  10. I tried it for giggles.   I found something on a sight called  despairingly.com which had my profile picture from about 2 years ago, a listing of the last place I had been seen in SL, another listing of who I'd paid L$ to and something that said I've spent L$4913594 in SL.    Now I know I'm a shop-a-holic at times, but that wourks out to about $18,00 plus dollars over a little over 3 years.  I know I'm not THAT bad.   :matte-motes-silly:

  11. Lynda, my RL aunt.  She told me about SL and once I decided to give it a try she gave me some L$s and took me shopping to get me set up with all the basics I needed to get passed my noob stage.    She gave me a place to call home, and still does, and kept an eye on me while I learned the ropes.  

    She's done the same for others, both friends of ours who have joined SL over the years and complete strangers she's encountered in her SL travels.  And she's encouraged all of us to do the same whenever we could.

    I know I'm more than a little biased since she RL family, but she's always been the type of person to help out others where she can.  So whether it's  in SL or RL I think she sets a pretty nice example of the way we should try to treat one another.


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