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Ravyn Rozensztok

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Everything posted by Ravyn Rozensztok

  1. Thanks for the advice everybody - I really appreciate it. I usually just get frustrated when I hit a glitch in Second Life and just leave and find something else to do for fun for a few months. But I really liked my little zombie-infested alley. I want it back. I tried looking for it again last night, pulling out all objects and merged objects in my returned items folder and objects folders. That was a great tip about the date filters! I didn't know those were there. No luck so far. I did file a report with LL, and they responded with a bizarre cheerful answer telling me that my 'control panel is working again'. Not sure what that refers to, but maybe it means I'll be able to find the returned object now.
  2. I went to a sandbox and went through my Returned Items folder - pulled a bunch of stuff out, but it wasn't there. I'll check it again.
  3. Oh, thanks for the info! I didn't know about that kind of land option. I've found it a bit of a mystery trying to suss-out the whole land-owning procedure. That's good to know.
  4. Yeah, I know that. I was just hoping to not have to spend any more than I already am. This is a very expensive game for the casual player like myself who's not particularly talented at building and selling stuff. Come to think of it, maybe I'll find a quiet sandbox and rebuild the zombie-infested alley hangout and start selling it as a skybox.
  5. *Sigh* I figured it was something like that. So even a camofluaged Halloween display is not allowed in Linden Homes. I'm actually paying to use SL and I can't do anything interesting beyond decorating the inside of a little house. It was the most fun I've had playing Second Life in ages. I've tried to build stuff in sandboxes but just ended up getting screwed-with by homophobic griefers which made me give-up and leave SL completely for months at a time.
  6. So I'm living in a premium Linden home, and after noticing that my neighbors had placed various interesting objects on their roofs, I did the same. I had a whole lot of fun working with the challenge of the low prim restrictions by finding awesome 1 prim mesh objects to build a grungy back alley hangout being invaded by zombies for halloween. It didn't look terribly obnoxious to my neighbours - or so I thought - as it as inside a 1 prim mesh box with a plain white exterior. I made sure to restrict the sounds inside to my parcel so as not to bother anybody. But today I logged in and it's all gone. *Poof*. Actually, whole neigborhood looks like somebody came by with a giant-ass vaccum cleaner and hoovered-up all the interesting bits. It's all pretty drab and now. At least all the houses look exactly the same now, so that's a good thing? Apparently? I've checked in my lost-and-found folder and nothing's there. It's all just gone. I checked the the Linden Homes Policy and I can't find anything there about not putting stuff on my roof - unless it counts as a sky box, which aren't allowed. So is this normal? Am I living in a condo type situation with a condo-board-from-hell that will just delete all my stuff if it looks out-of-place? It sucks, as it was the first thing I've ever really built in Second Life, beyond just decorating my Linden Home, which I guess I all I'm allowed to do with it. :(
  7. I was wondering if the texture-wizards around here had some tips for uploading textures so that they don't have jagged edges? No matter what I do I can't seem to upload an image that doesn't end up full of artifacts and jagged steps that end up looking like low-quality jpegs. :matte-motes-frown: I've searched through the forum and found all kinds of helpful tips regarding the fortmat (targa), dimensions (powers of 2,256x2,512x2) but I'm stumpted. How do skin designers create such beautiful textures with smooth color gradiations? I'm using Photoshop, and the textures I'm using to make clothing look awesome on the avatar template after I resize them down to 512x2, but somewhere in the upload they end up look awful. Thanks!
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