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Dalek Hax

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Posts posted by Dalek Hax

  1. OLD (pre-mid 2000s)  shutterglasses do still sort-of work, providing you use an ancient nVidia graphics card (7x00GT series or older), ancient drivers, an old viewer using full-screen and shaders off,  and an old CRT-type monitor. There are a lot of artifacts however.

    However as people has said, the modern Nvdia 3D Vision doesn't work because nVidia cripple their Geforce cards not to support OpenGL stereo (it's reserved for the very expensive Quadro pro-range, and even then, it needs to be quad-buffered)

    With slightly less old junk, I recently got 3DSL working rather better using an old 7600GT, old 91.xx drivers, an LG passive-3D monitor hacked to fool the card it's a Zalman :), cheap cinema-style glasses and another hack to do line-interleaved, all running under XP. Current SL viewers Singularity & Firestorm both worked in full-screen, albeit with those pesky shaders turned off. No artifacts this time, but expect a higher than normal crash-rate with the prehistoric driver/new viewer combo. I'm amazed I can see mesh!

    So at the minute it's either pretty-pretty 2DSL with shaders etc or 3DSL but not both. Frankly I'm not going back to 2DSL for the eye-candy gladly, but I now fear server-side baking (SSAB) may break everything again, who knows? 

    As for AMD, the same greedy pro-cards only attitude re: OpenGL stereo used to prevail, but now it seems unlike nVidia, they relented and now let you use the HD 6000 series and newer cards for Quad-buffer OpenGL stereoscopic 3D. This gives the potential for full-shader eye-candy AND modern passive-glasses SL. in 3D stereo.

    Only trouble is SL and some other OpenGL games don't bother to support quad-buffering, even though it's only a few lines of code to add or so I'm told. Any 3d-loving, Radeon-owning coders out there willing to give it a go?

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