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Jessica Lowell

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Posts posted by Jessica Lowell

  1. I was in a popular hair store and was IMed by an avi there. His chat was fairly friendly and routine, "Hi. How are you?" and I responded in kind. After just a bit he stopped reponding and I went on about my business. Usual SL stuff so far, right?

    I logged back in later and had saved IMs from him saying that he knew my age and based on that no longer wanted to chat. Well, the age he stated was way off, but it made me wonder what he was basing his guess on. I did IM him to ask exactly that, but he did not respond, and I probably won't get a response.

    This just makes me wonder about how someone would think they knew my age after meeting me in SL. Obviously, this could just be some sort of bad prank, and I don't want to get to know him anyway after such bad behavior, but still I wonder. It also makes me a bit concerned about information security. Just a bit though, after all his information is wrong.

    Oh, obviously, my avi name is not my real name, and I have done some googling on my avi's name but come up empty. So, does anyone have thoughts they would care to share?

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