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AprilMae Devin

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Posts posted by AprilMae Devin

  1. Hi all;

    My merchant outbox stopped working 2 days after I started using it in April 2012. Seems at that time I tried to stop/cancel an upload to MP once the process was started and I borked the whole thing. I tried many things that were suggested in the forums and on the Jira notice page but it never worked. To be honest, I gave up trying figuring it was a bigger problem than just my little ole account and LL would be working on it. I got the email notice yesterday about retiring the Magic Boxes so I finally filed a case. Dakota Linden wrote me today saying my outbox was reset and all should be well. So far it is! Yayy. So for those of you still having your outbox in constant intializing phase ask for a reset and see if that helps.


    Thank you for the super fast response, Dakota.



  2. Was wondering why you wanted just a pose ball with multiple animations. Is it for like a dance club or something. The other thought would be to use something like the MLP or avisitter systems you can find in secondlife. These will give you a menu to choose from once you sit on the pose ball. Just a thought and save you learning scripting. LOL

  3. Not sure if this will work for you but is worth a try. I never make animations with a T pose in place because I can always add it right before uploading with a program called BVHacker ( http://davedub.co.uk/bvhacker/). I too found the T pose issue a pain even in Poser so BVHhacker is a life saver for me. Here is the kicker though, BVHacker has a drop down menu where once your pose/animation is ready, you can click a button and add the T pose BUT also has one to remove the T pose. I have removed T pose using this on mocap files I downloaded elsewhere so I think it may work on your Daz file also.

  4. On that note, Medhue. Someone asked in world the other day which anims should loop and which not for an AO. I couldn;t answer him so thought I'd ask here/you LOL.

    Seems like a pre-jump, or land, or left/right turn would not loop but those such as stands, walks, sits etc would?


    Cheers -  April.

  5. Hi there:

    1) You said you are naming your file "namingmyfile.bvh". Are you typing that in as the name? If you exporting your animation out of Daz it automatically exports as XXX.bvh   Check to make sure your newly saved file is not named XXX.bvh.bvh This may have absolutely nothing to do with why SL is not recognizing it but it was something I noticed and it may not be what you were doing at all (in which case ignore this comment *G*).

    2) Did you get an error message? What is SL saying that it won't recognise the bvh? One thing that comes to my mind is length of anim. If it is over 30 secs it will not load (one of the first errors I got when I first started).

    3) I recently had a couple of issues getting bvh out of Daz 4 (but mine were hand position problems), however I highly recommend DL'ing BVHacker from http://www.bvhacker.com and running your anims through it before uploading. There is a drop down menu in bvhacker called "hack" that was specifically made for optimizing bvh files for SL before uploading. Very helpful little program. Please donate if you find it useful - I have been a fan of this program for 3 years now and know how much work the creator puts in for free! 



  6. I am always a little reluctant to answer questions here because I am no expert by any means (and hate to look like a dumb a..  LOL)  but I think I understand what you are seeing. Maybe someone else will correct me if I am wrong.

    I have seen this in action in Poser also. What I beleive happens is you pin the joints above and below the one you want but then you over rotate or translate that single joint. Then when you upload the anim these joints are "released" per se and you see the extrapolation in the animation at work (bare in mind I may be using the wrong words LOL).

    Try pinning joints further away from the hip. For instance if you want to rotate the hip a little (like a twist) then pin the feet (not legs) and maybe the arms but not chest or abdomen. This will allow for a more natural movement of multiple joints (in this case the hips, legs, chest and abdomen) without translating/rotating your entire avie.

    In your example if you "unpin" the joints you pinned, does it still look natural when you play it back? This might be a way of quality control for you. I know in Poser I often have to unckeck the IK of legs and arms before exporting or I get the jitters. I have not been using Daz much of late but suspect it might be the same problem.



  7. Hey all.

    I took advantage of the free Daz 4 and started using it again. It has been at least a couple of years since I had. I got my SL male and female in a preset and did a short animation. It exported fine (and I used SL compatability) and was able to view it in both poser and bvhacker.


    1) The avie in both poser and hacker is buried in the ground although it looked fine in Daz.

    2) Hand joints are most weird. In hacker the hands and one foot are way to long (if that is a good description) and in poser hands are bent forward into the arms.

    The actual motion came through OK. I was making a brushing hair anim so the arm movement was fine but i am brushing hair with my wrists! LOL.

    Does anyone else get weird joint rotations?

    I figured a work around and it works well..but before I go posting a work around that unneccessary I thought I would ask.

  8. Hi there - not sure if you got this question answered already or not.

    Try using BVHacker ( http://www.bvhacker.com/ ). There is a set of short cut buttons for things like "center" and NoOffset". You may want to remove your T pose (if you used one) first (using the prepar drop down menu) ,then click center and noffset, then add the T pose back. I think this will do what you are looking for. Or you can use the sliders for translation.


    Cheers and good luck


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