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Mariposa Psaltery

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Posts posted by Mariposa Psaltery

  1. Hello. I want to change my av from classic to one of the newer ones. I would want to change body and head. Is there a certain one that is better than the others? Are there pros and cons to them? 


    I have a large amount of clothes, skins, hair, etc. that I would like to use with the new body and head. Is there an easy way to find out what will work with the newer ones?


    I am not a new member. I have been playing since April 2005. Please recommend any and all ideas.


    Thank you. 

    • Like 3
  2. Hello. My name in world is Mariposa Psaltery, everyone can call me Mari. Yes, I'm female in world and in RL. 

    I started coming to SL in April of 2005, but this is the first time I have been thinking seriously about working in world. That means I have no experience doing so, but I am willing to learn! :)

    In RL, I am a wife (my husband also is in SL). I'm 33 (if that is important to know). I have a BA in English and I love to write.

    My main job focuses would be mostly people intereaction like hosting. I am kind of picky about the kind of places I work though. I am also interested in SL fashion and could see myself working as a fashion consultant. Maybe even a teacher or wedding coordinator. 

    I am a cheerful, friendly person. I get along with just about everyone :) 

    I am in the Eastern Time Zone. I live in the USA. 


    If there is anything else you would like to know, please ask here or contact me in world. Thank you.



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