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LadyWhiteWolf Shieldmaiden

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Posts posted by LadyWhiteWolf Shieldmaiden

  1. Yes, I do make clothing, and have for the past 2 years under the label of East Bend Shoppe.  Amongst other things I am a Munkin Designer - leading me to branch out into making habitats for breedables; which in turn led me to becoming a writer for a new SL breedable magazine. 

    Anyway, back on topic, I was recently approached to make children's clothing; not to be confused with toddler apparel, but for older children.  Mesh is foreign to me, and unless you have a particular viewer, in most cases it is difficult to see anything 'mesh'; for me anyway. My Shop caters to those wishing formal to fantasy. 

    Perusing through Marketplace, in an effort to research, I found very little in the way of child avatar clothing.  There seems to be a gap between toddler and teen.  East Bend Shoppe will now endeavor to bring out a line of child apparel for both boys and girls. 

    I have noticed more and more mesh coming into SL for just about everything.  The question then becomes, is it a matter of personal preference, or these times they are a changing?


  2. I have received the message that transaction has failed.  My bank remains the same except the name has changed and so has the account number.  I went in and changed the information so that the change is reflected.  Supposedly it has been processed.  Only problem is it still gives the older information....I can't get lindens.  Is there something else I can do?  I need to pay rent asap.

    LadyWhiteWolf Shieldmaiden

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