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Simon Linden

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Posts posted by Simon Linden

  1. Not PBR, but there's 2 new bits of data being sent to the viewer from those servers.

    There's viewer code that extracts the new data in a viewer branch "DRTVWR-600-maint-A"

    The Avatar appearance message has "AttachmentBlock" which includes the task IDs and attachment points for the avatar.   If the attachment point is zero, it means the attachment is still loading on the server and you should be getting updates soon.

    The basic viewer code is in https://github.com/secondlife/viewer/blob/DRTVWR-600-maint-A/indra/newview/llvoavatar.cpp#L9283

    • Thanks 1
  2. We just did some updates this morning (Monday July 27th) that fixes a bunch of the region connectivity issues.    I just did a tour and didn't hit any invisible walls.

    Along those lines, I made a quick "Blake Sea Challenge"   Go to secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Morris/200/207/34  on the BETA aditi grid, and click on the red egg-shaped thing to try it out.   It will give you the "Blake Sea Challenge"  ... wear it and touch, and it'll get you going.   Follow the instructions to sail / fly / motor around 46 regions without doubling back and see if you make it.   Have fun and keep letting us know how it goes!

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  3. It looks good to me dropping in there ... but I'm really pained to see region boarders right down the middle of the road, and a 4 corner point in the middle of an intersection.   That's pretty much designed to result in more region crossings than needed, and we all know (yes, Lindens have heard about it) that region crossings can be trouble.

    I walked around a bit, crossing between them all and didn't see any drop out.  I think this was a transitory problem where the regions were not communicating correctly with each other or your viewer, and it's been sorted out.



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  4. You will have better region crossings and teleports if you remove the scripts.    As a simplification (see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Script_Memory for details) each script takes up either 16k or 64k (mono) of memory.   That's data that must be saved, transferred to the next region, and read back in when you change regions.   Reducing the number of scripts is probably the best thing you can do to help speed up crossings.

    Disabling the scripts doesn't help much with crossings, as you are still carrying that data around.     The script just isn't run by the region.   That helps a little bit with region performance, but it's much better to just remove them if you no longer need the scripts.

    • Like 6
  5. Region idling was first turned on the BlueSteel RC regions May 16th, then the rest of the grid May 22nd.    So it was off two weeks ago when you saw your problems.

    As others explained, I wouldn't expect idling to cause any problems for renter scripts and the way they use timers.


  6. Junos Rest is on the Second Life RC LeTigre, which will not have idling enabled for some time.  It also hasn't been enabled yet on the BlueSteel RC.

    If you are having ongoing problems with the region and can't detect any in-world content causing it, please file a support ticket.


  7. Great questions, Stickman ... here are some answers

    Regions aren't "locked" to a CPU, as we let the OS kernel handle the low level scheduling.  It often effectively works that way, however, as shifting processes between nodes is expensive.   The extra CPU cycles made available by idling can also be used by other background processes, which will still help overall performance.

    Idling regions will be running around 8 - 10 fps

    Timers run in real-time, not frame time, so there's no reason to queue multiple events.  So when one is invoked, the next one comes along at the next interval, which might be the next frame.

    There may be unexpected results with scripts that are written to be real-time based vs. frame based.   However, scripts like that will already have a problem with the lag occasionally seen in SL :matte-motes-agape: so hopefully that has been considered by the builder.

    We are releasing this the same way we always roll out new code, on a small portion of the grid in an RC channel.   We will closely monitor it for errors, and not move forward until it is ready.

  8. I'll try and lump some answers together here ... Please read the FAQ posted in another topic.  That should help explain the details better.

    At this time, bots count as regular avatars and prevent a region from entering the idle state.  This is the safest approach since there are many different uses for bots.

    Any resident on an adjacent region that sees into the region will block idling.   Seeing into another region depends on their location, view direction and draw distance.  Simply put, if they can see into the region, it won't idle.

    A region that is sending or receiving external network messages in scripts will not idle for a short period of time to allow the scripts to execute normally.   We've made extra efforts to avoid problems in these situations, so please file a jira if you see any new behavior.


  9. Region idling is a new technology added to the Second Life system that will help better share server processing power between regions that are busy and regions that are empty.   Here are answers to some common questions about region idling.

    How does region idling help Second Life?  

    Region idling will help Second Life server performance and stability by lowering the amount of computing power used by empty portions of the grid.   If the servers spend a little less time simulating parts of the virtual world where the are no residents, this CPU power can help busier areas.

    When does a region idle?  

    Regions will start idling when there are no residents on that region, or in adjacent regions looking into it.   The instant a resident teleports or looks into a region, it stops idling.

    Is Linden Labs turning off my region?  

    No, regions are not turned off or shut down.  They merely run at a slower frame rate when nobody is there.   They will appear exactly the same way as before in search, the world map and other Second Life features.

    Can I disable region idling for my land?  

    No.  Region idling will eventually be enabled for all Second Life regions.   If you believe region idling is causing issues for your land or content, please file a jira bug report with clear information describing the problem and the exact times it happened.

    Is there any LSL support?  

    The llGetRegionTimeDilation() function will report a high time dilation when regions are idling.    You can now pass “region_idle” into the llGetEnv() function to determine the current idling state on a region.

    What about LSL network functions?  

    Any scripts that use LSL network functions will suspend region idling for a short period of time to allow them to function normally.   This will allow scripts that connect to outside services via email, http and xmlrpc to run as expected.

    My region monitor object is telling me the region slow, what should I do?

    In-world objects that use the llGetRegionTimeDilation() function will see increased time dilation during region idling.   This is to be expected.   The scripts should be updated and use the llGetEnv() function, passing in “region_idle” to see if the increased time dilation is due to region idling.

    How is this being deployed?  

    Region idling will first appear on the Second Life BlueSteel RC channel.   We will closely monitor these regions for issues as we do for any server update.  When we are confident there are no problems, it will be enabled on the full grid.

    I found a bug caused by region idling.  What should I do?  

    If you believe region idling is causing issues for your land or content, please file a jira bug report with clear information describing the problem, the exact times it happened, and why you think region idling is the cause of the issue.

    • Like 1
  10. Tomorrow, Second Life will enable a new feature called “region idling” designed to help system performance and efficiency.  Region idling allows Second Life regions to relinquish some of the script and CPU time when avatars are not present, which should improve performance for occupied areas sharing the same hardware.

    This works like a modern building that automatically dims the lights when someone leaves a room. When no one is in the room, there is no need for the lights to be on, and energy can be saved by turning off the lights. With region idling, Second Life servers will automatically lower their frame rate when there are no Residents on or looking into a region.  The servers return to full speed the instant someone enters the area.

    We expect this feature to be totally transparent to users. Residents will not see or be on regions that are idling. Scripts, however, may observe the effect if they are using the llGetRegionTimeDilation() function, and may require fixing.

    Linden Lab will initially enable region idling to the Bluesteel RC channels and will eventually roll this out to the the full grid.  Further details about the server releases are posted in the release notes in the Second Life Server forum.

  11. FWIW I recently added code for our shutdown sequence to ensure there are no region state saves in the final 5 minutes.   A final save is done after everyone is ejected from the region and it's shutting down.   That's the state that's re-loaded after the software update.    There's no sense to start one in the final few minutes while everyone should be leaving, so that's bypassed now.

    That said, I agree about the viewer notifications.  They're easy to miss.

  12. The hidden avatars feature (and the new control for gesture sounds) has already rolled to the main grid and all the RC channels.   It should be available on any parcel, but you need to be the owner or have the group permissions to edit parcel settings.  You'll need the 2.8 viewer or one based on the new code to change the settings.  There is more information at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Hiding_avatars_and_restricting_avatar_sounds

  13. llRegionSayTo() is now available on the "BlueSteel" RC channel.   The specs are up on the LSL wiki.  Please file jira bug reports if you see any problems.

    There isn't really any performance improvement over regular chat types like llSay().  The messages use the same dispatch mechansim so that they are processed in the correct order.

    There isn't any special debug mode to detect these messages, so you'll have to echo them to channel zero or use llOwnerSay() in your scripts to relay traffic.

    We believe the biggest advantage will be direct, secure messaging between objects, eliminating the need to encrypt data.  It may also reduce some object-to-avatar chatter sent on channel zero.



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