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Avi Arrow

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Posts posted by Avi Arrow

  1. Thank you for the informative reply, Whirly.  I was hoping I'd missed a setting in prefs to fix this, or that it was even fixable by editing one of the xml files.

    Perhaps this list was not displaying correctly in the default Second Life viewer where it *had* been displaying correctly in Firestorm for years -- alphabetically sorted and listing name first followed by time remaining -- where last part of name would be statically truncated by 6 characters for the full display of time remaining, example: Avi Arrow...(8640) directly in front of which was the hovertip (!) to pull up the resident profile.

    As it is now:

    1. Instead of "Avi Arrow...(8640)" we now have "(8640 min. remaning) Avi Arr..."
    2. List is now sorted by least amount of time remaing and not alphabetically by resident name.
    3. Upon first viewing, list now needs to be loaded twice for time to even display at all.


  2. As of my update to Firestorm 4.7.5 (47975) the About Land > Access List for timed bans on the Banned Residents list is now sorted by ban time and not by name, the worst of it being that ban time is now listed first (left of the name) instead of right of the name.  The resident name is now truncated and the list is not in alphabetical order making the list decidely more difficult to use.

    Is there a way to restore this list to it's previous configuration of listing name first and ban time second, and sorting the list alphabetically?

    Thank you.

  3. I am unable to get rid of the toolbar on Firestorm viewer 4.6.9 (42974) due to the "Show chat bar (Enter)" button which is persistent.  I have not been able to locate this button in the xui/xml files in order to  remove it.  My basic problem is I want the toolbar to be gone.  See pic, button in question is lower left on screen, big gray bar across bottom of screen is what i want removed.  Anyone have an insight into how to accomplish this?  Thanks.



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