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Torrey Betsen

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Posts posted by Torrey Betsen

  1. I'm late to this thread, but I wanted to say thanks to Roswenthe for mentioning my DJ app! This weekend I started adding more features and UI updates, so expect an update soon.

    KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

    Roswenthe Aluveaux wrote:

    The best alternative I've found is made by
    . SAM is very hard to set up, and fairly difficult to use without training, and I was never able to make the mic work with Winamp. It has a trial, so you can try it out before buying it.

    For $17.00 USD you can start DJing in SL. That's a pretty good solution in that cost range. Once your music library gets into the 10's of thousands of songs this would be hard to use as it has no search capability to find music selections by one of the descriptive song metatags.

    This is where
    w/multiple Relay Server Ability [$299] &
    w/IceCast Relay Server ability [on Sale for $44.90] come in.

    IMHO The Music Library Management functions of SAM are worth every penny. My library is extensive [Over 50,000 songs] and SAM allows me to use a high speed database solution [MySQL<-Free] to organize, update and Search all the metadata about my music it also includes the ability to update the metadata back into the source music rips.

    Note: SAM.2013 Plus is on sale for $149 right now but you have to lease the ShoutCast Relay Stream service from the sister company SpacialNet and there are a few other limitations. Don't purchase SAM.2013 Lite as it is locked into the SpacialNet Vibe ACC Stream Relay service and the SL FMOD player will not decode this as of 2013.

    Karen, music library management is built into Windows 7 and above, which makes it really easy to search your music library by filename or music metatag. Any Explorer window with a search box in the top right can do it (including open file dialogs). Thanks for mentioning a feature that's important but lacking in my solution, as databases are quite trival, I may add this in the near future to help DJs with a larger library.

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