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Leda Ember

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  1. My L$ transaction history still has my full amount of lindens listed, but inworld it says 0.
  2. In all my years here this has never happened to me. Any help appreciated. Thank you
  3. I've been a puff of orange smoke since yesterday. I've tried rebaking, changing sims, anything I could think of but nothing is working. As you can tell, i'm not much of a techie so any help would be appreciated. Thank you
  4. Hello Lexie and all the Lindens First, I was born in a country where we were told how to think what to say and what NOT to say or we were removed. This new forum strongly reminds me of that place. Its pretty sad. I didn't agree with everything I saw or read in the old forum but I respected every person's opinon and right to express themselves. Second, I'm not as computer savvy as a lot of people on here. Many times I didn't even know what question to ask if I had a problem, let alone go searching for the proper area to ask. I came to the General area and I was always directed to the right place. And third, at least half of what I learned over the last 3+ years here has been through the General area. Its wonderful for people who don't know what to ask but recognize useful information when they see it. Thank you for your attention
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